20 foods that hide sugar

Sugar provides energy, but it also ages the skin, causes diabetes, hypertension and obesity. The recommended daily amount, according to the World Health Organization, is 50 grams, equivalent to 5 tablespoons. However, the world is exaggerating, the Spanish consumes 55 kg annually, when the indicated would be 15 kg. The lack of control is partly explained by the foods that mask sugar. We list 20 examples that you can't even imagine, check it out:

1. Couch

One foods that most camouflage sugar. In 100 grams of ketchup there are 23 grams of sugar, almost half the dose recommended by the WHO. Industrialized tomato sauces also contain sugar. So, consume them in moderation.

2. industrialized seasonings

They are also sugar bombs, especially chicken broths. In seasonings, sugar gives consistency and golden color.

3. instant noodles

In addition to sugar, this food is full of artificial condiments: ribs, barbecue and barbecue.

4. cheese snack

Despite being salty, it has more sugar than cheese. The product still has high doses of salt.

20 foods that hide sugar

5. salad dressings

Full of sugar, fats, preservatives and salt. Not even those with a vegetable flavor escape this combination. Even the healthiest ones have sugar. If you love it, beware! The recipe takes coloring and flavor enhancers.

6. ready soups

Full of sugar, fats, preservatives and salt. Not even those with a vegetable flavor escape this combination.

7. Hamburger

Food with a lot of hidden sugar. The molasses and corn syrup keep the product from shrinking during preparation.

8. Beef and Salmon

Some refrigerators add sugar to the feed. Salmon can be dipped in a sugar solution. Look for information about feeding oxen and prefer fresh salmon.

9. frozen chicken pie

There's sugar in the dough.

10 frozen lasagna

Mixture of sugar, salt and spices.

11 Shoyu sauce

Sugar and refined salt.

20 foods that hide sugar

12 Pâté Ham

Lots of sugar, pork fat, salt and preservatives.

13 Gelatin

The dessert disguises sugar consumption. It is a mix of sugar, sweeteners, artificial colors and preservatives. To give you an idea, 120 grams of strawberry gelatin has almost 8 grams of sugar.

14 Milk

One cup of milk corresponds to 12 grams of sugar. Soy milk is an alternative, but it has to be the sugar-free version.

15 Yogurt

100 gram jars of plain and skim yogurts have 13,04 grams of sugar. The amount increases in those with syrups and chocolates.

16 granola

In 100 grams we can find up to 26,22 grams of sugar. Choose granolas without dried fruit and with brown sugar.

17 corn breakfast cereal

Corn breakfast cereals are also full of sugar, 100 grams contain 38,02 grams of sugar. Swap them for the full versions.

18 Cereal bars

As Cereal bars also mask the sugar. Some versions can have up to 38 grams of sugar, more than half the WHO recommended dose. Consume products with at least 2 grams of fiber, and avoid those with chocolate.

19 Dry fruits

Because they don't have water, the sugar is more concentrated. Consuming 100 grams is equivalent to almost 40 grams of sugar.

20 Juices

Os juices disguise the sugar. The industrialized ones have 2 tablespoons of sugar for every 200 milliliters. Natural ones have fructose, the natural sugar in fruits, so you should avoid sweeteners. A guava juice, for example, has almost 15 grams of sugar.

Sugar must be consumed very carefully. Want to read more content about food? Check out this article: How sugar can be more addictive than drugs.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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