13 tips for healthier hair

If you suffer and are tired of having lifeless, lacking hydration and brittle hair, this article is for you.  

The vast majority of women suffer from hair problems and do not know how to treat it. We often resort to expensive aesthetic treatments that do not completely solve the problem. To help you, we've separated some tips that will help bring your healthy hair back. Look!

1- Protect your ends!

Before washing your hair, apply a protective oil to the ends of the strands to prevent the shampoo from drying out the hair in an extreme way.

2- Pay attention to the water temperature!

Hot bath is not good for the health of your hair. Hot water dries out and removes the natural and necessary oil from the scalp. In addition, hot water also increases hair frizz. If you suffer from dry hair, cold water on them!

3- Shine bath

To have shinier hair, right after washing your hair at room temperature, give them a jet of very cold water. The cold water will close the cuticle of the wires giving more shine to the hair.

4- Scalp massage

Massaging the scalp contributed to much more beautiful hair. Massage removes excess oil, stimulates circulation and increases the ability to absorb nutrients into the cells. To make matters worse, the hair even grows faster!

5- Styling cream is your new best friend!

Combing cream, when used in small proportions, can be a great ally against dryness caused by excessive use of chemicals, flat irons and hairdryers.

6- Hair comes from food!

Some foods help take care of the health of your hair. Consuming lots of dark green vegetables, eggs, carrots and lean meats contribute to healthier hair. Foods rich in calcium make hair shinier.

13 tips for healthier hair8- Pay attention to the conditioner!

When washing your hair, remove the conditioner very well. Contrary to what many people think, leaving conditioner residue on the hair leaves it dull and lackluster. When excess conditioner sits at the roots, it can increase the amount of hair that falls out of your head.

9- Use the flat iron to improve the appearance!

If you have hair with very spiky ends, using a flat iron can help. After drying your hair and ironing it, turn the flat iron tip right at the end of each strand. This will make the ends look healthier. But it's worth remembering that this is not to be done every day!

10- Don't pass your hand!

Running your hands through your hair will only bring oil and dirt to the wires. To smooth any stray hairs, use silicone-based creams or finishing oils.

11- Cut that hair, girl!

Cutting your hair regularly makes your hair healthier without split ends. This helps a lot in hair growth. For those who think that to have long hair you can't cut it, you are very wrong. Cut the ends every three months and feel the difference.

12- Use wooden combs

Wooden combs have the power to comb without electrifying the wires, as it neutralizes the static electrical charge of the hair responsible for the famous and feared frizz.

13- Don't sleep with wet hair

Avoid sleeping or tying wet hair. Not wearing a cap or cap every day helps not to prevent the root of the hair from breathing and lead to hair loss.

  • Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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