Every day I feel better and better

    Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better. This phrase can be referred to, having been created and coined by Emile Coué, French psychologist and pharmacist, born on February 26, 1857, in the city of Troyes and died on July 2, 1926, in Nancy, France, being best known for his Coué method, which bears his name, of mental autosuggestion.

    In addition to being a pharmacist, he was one of the pioneers in hypnosis, having learned it from Ambroise Auguste Liébeault, a French physician who founded the Nancy School in 1854, an artistic movement, in this case, hypnosis, which is a state similar to sleep, through an induction process, where the patient is susceptible to the hypnotist's speech and words through autosuggestion.

    Coué also stated that the “cure” for psychological problems was found within the person himself, alluding to the “Know thyself”, an inscription found at the entrance to the Temple, of the oracle of Delphi, in Ancient Greece, in honor of to the sun god Apollo. The phrase would have been carved by the wise Thales of Miletus, but there are versions that claim to be from Socrates, as well as from Pythagoras and also from Heraclitus.

    The entire sentence is “Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods”, this is also the principle of spiritism, codified by Allan Kardec.

    Emile Coué, in turn, put this into practice, realizing that people under hypnosis, subject to mental autosuggestion, with positive messages, had better results.

    “Autosuggestion is an instrument that we possess at birth, or rather, this force, resides a wonderful and incalculable power”.

    That is, positive thinking influenced people's behavior. With this concept, this notion, he came to the conclusion that each one has in himself the instrument of his own healing.

    The French psychologist, in turn, worked on his method, in what we know as self-image, the description that the person makes of himself and also called self-esteem, the judgment that the person makes of himself, his capacity, in a subjective way, to like yourself.

    Every day I feel better and better

    Having this as a reference, it was supported by three laws: Attraction law concentrated, which determines that when we have our attention on an idea, this thought materializes by itself.

    Me and Law of Counter Effort, achieves the result in the opposite direction, that is, if a person thinks he cannot do something, the more he thinks, the less he can do what he proposes to do. So if you imagine that you can't, in fact, you won't succeed, it's because of the autosuggestion of your mind.

    And we also have the Law of Dominant Sentiment, which states that a suggestion linked to an emotion overcomes any other stimulus, which may exist at the moment and in the mind. Therefore, emotion, whether positive or not, will influence your behavior.

    Thus, Coué developed his method, a psychological technique based on self-esteem, on the belief that if the person believes, through the suggested word, in a positive idea, he can influence his mind, changing his affective state. Therefore, if the mind vibrates in harmony with positive thoughts, it resonates with good things and this becomes a reality, changing your emotional state.

    Based on this knowledge, he developed his studies, arriving at the statement: every day, in every way, I feel better and better, which works in practice, through repetition, having, according to his method, to be repeated twenty times. mentally, so every day, when waking up, this ritual exercise should be done, which would influence the person's behavior throughout the day.

    In the original, this mantra, in Indian culture, means ritualistic words or verses that have in view a magical purpose or the establishment of a contemplative state, it would be: “Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better” (“Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better” (“ Tous les jours à tous points out de vue je vais de miuex en miuex”).

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