10 cereals to improve your diet

There is an important food, the base of the food pyramid next to carbohydrates, that is often forgotten on our menu: cereals. This is the group that provides us with energy, helping the body to rebuild itself every day without difficulties.

In addition, cereals are sources of fiber and vitamins and must be consumed in large quantities to ensure the proper functioning of our bodies. Some of them are rice, corn and wheat. Are you getting these nutrients correctly?

To ensure that your menu is the best it can be, below is a selection of 10 cereals to include in your diet. Remember to carry out an annual medical follow-up to check how your health is doing!


10 cereals to improve your diet
Pexels / Castorly Stock

Chia is a very effective cereal for those who want to increase the feeling of satiety without overeating. It also has other functions, such as strengthening bones, increasing immunity, facilitating digestion, fighting premature aging and maintaining the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

To enjoy the benefits that chia offers, you can have a dessert spoon a day in a fruit salad, in porridge, with yogurt, in vegetable salads or even in juices.


Oatmeal is a well-known cereal that can be eaten at any age. He is mainly remembered for being rich in fiber, helping with digestion, but it is also important to reduce the levels of glucose and bad cholesterol in the body. Oatmeal can also improve mood, making it ideal for breakfast.

There are many ways to consume this cereal without losing its nutrients. Among them, we can list: oatmeal, with mashed fruit, with vitamins, with yogurt or with milk.

Brown Rice

10 cereals to improve your diet

A simple change in your menu can transform your health. Have you ever thought about switching from white rice to brown rice? In addition to being less processed, which ensures that the grain's nutrients will still be present on your plate, it fights obesity, bad cholesterol and diabetes.

To incorporate brown rice into your routine, you don't have to rule out white rice entirely. Until you get used to this new option, you can experiment with different recipes and seasonings, until you find one you like.


Much sought after by those trying to lose weight, flaxseed is a cereal that has many benefits. For women, in particular, it can contribute to the regulation of hormones during menopause, as well as helping to prevent breast cancer. It also increases bone strength, controls diabetes and prevents inflammation.

It is recommended that you eat no more than one tablespoon of flaxseed a day. If you don't like the texture of the cereal, you can grind it up to add to rice and beans, fruit, salads or even porridge.


10 cereals to improve your diet
Pixabay / keep_cs

Little known, amaranth is an important cereal for the good maintenance of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it has a benefit compared to other cereals, which is the absence of gluten. For muscle recovery and against osteoporosis, he is also a great ally.

If you want to eat amaranth routinely, you can eat up to three tablespoons a day of this cereal. It is available in flakes, as flour and as corn, and can be made into popcorn.

corn flakes

If you usually practice physical activities daily, corn flakes are cereals that will bring you a lot of energy. They are also rich in iron and vitamins, although they are low in sugar. The minerals and antioxidants present in the flakes also ensure easy digestion and cancer prevention.

While there are sugared versions of corn flakes, opt for those that are natural. A cup of tea of ​​this cereal is the ideal amount to consume daily, with milk or with fruit.


10 cereals to improve your diet

Another example of a gluten-free cereal, buckwheat is a seed rich in rutin, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation, improves blood pressure and blood lipid profile of those who consume it. Another benefit is that buckwheat can reduce the sugar levels in a person's body, preventing diabetes.

The ideal amount of consumption of buckwheat is one tablespoon. It can be ingested in the form of porridge, as flour for breading food or even when preparing breads and cakes.


A cereal widely consumed in the world is barley, since it is one of the components of beer. In the form of cereal, however, it is an important ally in the regulation of thyroid hormones, which ensure the proper functioning of our metabolism. There are also many vitamins in the composition of barley, such as vitamins A and K.

It is possible to consume up to one tablespoon of barley daily. You can use it to make breads, pasta, cakes and even salad, if it is in the form of grains. The important thing is to include it in your routine!

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10 cereals to improve your diet

Rye is a cereal that can significantly improve your health if consumed frequently and responsibly. The nutrients that are part of this food support digestive health, strengthen immunity and control blood sugar and fat levels.

You can consume up to two tablespoons of rye a day, including the cereal in the preparation of pasta, bread and pies, or consuming it with yogurt, smoothies, juices or milk itself.


Musli is not a cereal itself, but a combination of nuts, dried fruit and oat bran. The ideal is that it is not artificially sugared, to maintain the nutrients of each food without harming who will eat it. In addition to providing energy and proteins, it promotes the proper functioning of the intestine.

Daily, you can eat up to a cup of musli tea. Mixed in yogurt, milk or a smoothie, you will still preserve the nutrients of these cereals, getting a different recipe to enjoy routinely.

Taking into account all that has been presented, we conclude that cereals are very important for our daily diet. Even those who are allergic to gluten, for example, can consume some of the varieties we suggest. So, there's no excuse not to include these sources of energy and vitamins in your routine!

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