Your purpose is your nature

The child who lives in me salutes the child who lives in you.

God when I was a kid he played burquinha, throwing those little glowing spheres against each other, moving those little spheres back and forth. Today it has grown up moving the planetary orbs and the great stars through the vast systems of this great Universe.

The very meaning of life often resides in the games and pleasures of when you are a child. The meaning of life for those who live it. The kind of purpose.

As a child I tried to draw everything I saw in my backyard, putting scribbled images of small beings I encountered in a shabby notebook. Today I record the different personalities with the lens of my camera.

I make use of this brief introduction to get into a very delicate subject that is of interest to many. Our life purpose.

The meaning of any noun is the verb, we could sum it up like this. Verb is action, and the only action (verb) related to life is to live. The sacred verb is "to live". Therein lies the meaning of life. Simple as that, like child's play.

Your purpose is your nature

So let's put aside all the complication of debate and more debate about what life asks of us. The answer is and has always been simple. Live.

“Okay, but I live”! – you must be saying.

Perhaps in the purely biological sense you really do live. But purely biological. Yes, you breathe, eat, sleep, reproduce, die like any other animal. That might be enough for an animal, but even they themselves are not satisfied with just that. Each animal follows its extinct and its role in the environment in which it is born and grows, in which it lives. A bird flies, sings, sows. A horse runs, mounts the rider, beautifies the mountains. Bees fly by pollinating and keeping spring. Vultures and vultures clean up the dead bodies of those who are gone. Each little being has its role in nature in harmony with the whole environment.

Your purpose is your nature

so they live

A human being is born, grows, studies, works and dies. He does other things in the meantime, but mostly his life energy is spent only on the above. Most of us study and work thinking about having a better life for ourselves, and in the process forget what it really means to live. He forgets that what matters in life is to live, and he completely ignores that in order to live it is necessary to have his role in the whole.

And what role would that be?

Your profession? A high income? Buy what you need and/or want?

This can all play an important role in society. But what about the whole? What do you do to help harmonize the environment?

A bee was born to fly from flower to flower, gathering pollen, it does so with mastery and total focus. It never crosses her little mind to do another activity, she doesn't think “I'm here collecting pollen, I love it, but what if I tried to fly high like an eagle and hunt some rodents? That looks so much more promising.” A bee does what it is made to do and does it masterfully without ever deviating from that task. That's the secret.

Your purpose is your nature

A man, a woman generally follow imposed tasks and force themselves to follow paths that in the absolute majority of the time go against their real nature.

If every animal lives in fullness by following its real nature, how would we do to follow our own nature? What nature would that be? How to know?

real human nature

As a human being, you and I differ from any animal by a single attribute, self-awareness. And as a self-aware being you become an individual among a mass of individuals, each with its own responsibility for itself.

Your purpose is your nature

A bee responds to the extinct survival of the species, a person responds to the survival paradigm of humanity.

However, the human being has self-awareness, which individualizes him as a unique being. Since any individualized being who puts himself under the obligation of following a meaning of life created and disseminated by the masses as the only truth will find himself in a process that will gradually distance him from his real nature.

And what is that nature?

The attribute of self-awareness gives the human animal the character of being unique, and this gives it a unique nature. In this way it can be said that the nature of every man and woman in this world is to be unique and to exercise that nature authentically and individually.

This is where we complicate everything, because the individual, for some reason that we cannot explore in this text, still tends to follow the pattern of herd behavior.

Your purpose is your nature

This behavioral pattern seeks to imitate others and replicate “lives”. “So-and-so has done very well in the real estate business, see how he prospers, I should do the same.” "My cousin graduated in law and earns a lot of money, I'm going to enroll in the same course." “My father has been very successful with his veterinary clinic, I will follow him.”

We base our purposes using the success of others as a benchmark. Always others, always focusing on others, always excluding the concept of self-awareness, ignoring the fact that we are unique individuals. That's not how you live, you don't live nature itself.

Of course, the reasons for a person to have a set of choices like this are motivated by a number of factors, but in the end all these factors will lead to the current paradigm.

A paradigm is a set of prevailing beliefs that determine the behavior of an entire society. These beliefs are passed and reproduced from generation to generation and are often the result of fallacies and illusions. These illusions are taught to children by their own parents, as parents tend to reproduce the way they were raised in their own children with some variation or another, but with a very similar result. Thus an archaic and limiting belief is maintained for centuries.

Your purpose is your nature

These beliefs are based on keeping the current system in operation, and use the basic survival needs of human beings as support, implanting in everyone a false sense of scarcity, stating that the world does not offer the basics for everyone's survival, thus forcing each fighting the other to ensure the bare minimum to survive.

So we have human beings endowed with great creative and analytical capacity fighting for survival, as our animal brothers do, with the difference that an animal at least follows its nature.

We see then that most people do not live, but survive. This is fighting to exist, not to die. A survival. Less than an animal, that struggles, yes, to survive, but that at least follows its nature.

Let us then remove this word from our vocabulary, let us begin to live in order to give meaning to our life.

Your purpose is your nature

Let's go back to our nature. How to find my nature?

Simple, find what gives you great pleasure to do, but obviously I'm not talking about ephemeral and fleeting pleasures, which do not sustain lasting happiness. The pleasures I speak of are those obtained through work. Work here I refer to the set of activities carried out in order to achieve some purpose, and that purpose in general leads you to grow.

Let's see a person who loves to illustrate, and seeks with his works to work the most varied emotions in the public, bringing to other people a message about themselves or profound aspects of life. This person always seeks to improve his work, and with each new work completed he feels a state of satisfaction and pure ecstasy, leaving with more motivation and love for the next one.

This goes for any profession or activity. In general, the true nature of the person must bring benefits to the whole in which he is inserted, because this is the natural balance of life, nature maintains itself with the total harmonization of the beings that permeate and constitute it, and so it should be with us.

Soon we must seek what we love to do today, and we face with courage our commitment to ourselves, because the commitment to follow nature is first for you and then for others. It seems difficult to find yourself, many think they are not good at anything, because society is shaped so that we feel small and incapable. The good news is that these beliefs can be easily removed with determination and patience (therapies like Thetahealing help a lot).

Your purpose is your nature
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The fact is that as long as you are not living your nature, you will be like a tree planted in a small pot. It will never grow all it can. You will always be unhappy, trying to distract yourself or deceive yourself with small pleasures, which are welcome, yes, but will not bring you the happiness you deserve.

To help you find your nature, meditate on what makes you profoundly happy, what you can do for hours without ever getting tired, what you never get tired of, what lifts you up for many days (not what gives you headaches). the next day or a big void to be filled), what you are very good at doing. And, if you have no idea what it could be, watch and read about the lives of the great ones who followed their nature, it will help you understand the feeling I'm talking about.

Well, for today I end here, I hope you enjoyed this brief description of my sincere view on a subject so debated. I myself have lived the “challenge” of accepting my nature and living it, being part of it helping others to find their own.

Be well and live!

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