You are your problem!

You are the only one enjoying what is happening inside you. Whether it's joy, anger, love, or hate, in short, everything you elaborate rationally or emotionally will be enjoyed solely and exclusively by yourself. The curious thing is that even if you try to involve other people, they won't have the power to feel what you feel, so it's obvious that the world happens inside you. That's what they call phenomenology.

You are giving meaning to the world all the time, you are always cataloging people, qualifying experiences, developing defenses, in short, without realizing it, you are creating a world that is yours alone and no one has anything to do with it.

In this world of yours, everything seeks a suitable fit for your well-being and everything works to meet your inner demands. It means, for example, that if you believe in violence, you will live in violent environments, living with violent people, and you will end up being raped; likewise, if you are a peaceful person, you will live in peace. What is not possible is to be a violent person and live dreaming of peace.

It is evident that you are influenced by what happens, as you have not yet managed to develop psychic and emotional resources to live in the world without being affected by events. In order not to suffer in this relationship with the world, you would have to be more stoic, but few in the world are in this condition. Turning the other cheek is an Absolute Truth, but I know you are incapable of such a feat, for those who arrive at this stage are the same ones who no longer need to be on this backward planet.

You are your problem!
Ezekiel Akinnewu / Pexels

If you are at the same time the engineer, the architect and the resident of this house you built, what do you keep complaining about? What do others have to do with it?

Wouldn't it be smarter for you to start by taking full responsibility for all these misfortunes and undertake the necessary changes in yourself, with new projects, with new attitudes and with a more critical look at yourself? Don't you realize, my dear, that it's time to undertake a process of deconstruction, in which concepts, values, models, standards and certainties need to be reviewed?

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Jesus taught that before wanting to look at the speck in another's eye, it would be necessary to remove the beam that exists in your own Eye. This is pure phenomenology!

He also said that the eyes are the lamp of the body and that if your eyes are good your whole body will be enlightened, whereas if your eyes are bad you will live in darkness. This too is pure phenomenology!

In short: you are your problem!

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