Why do we wake up at 3am every night?

Why do we wake up at 3am every night?

Are you lucky enough to sleep through the night at once, being one of those people who close their eyes and only wake up the next day? Or are you the type that always wakes up in the middle of the night with no apparent explanation?

If you identify with the latter group, know that interruptions in nighttime sleep are common for most people, and in many of the cases, this interruption is found to happen precisely at 3 o'clock in the morning. I wonder why?!

Some popular beliefs commonly believe that this specific time is the time when witches are loose on the streets, others claim that it is evil spirits that stalk the rooms at mid-dawn; but what does the mystical world actually conclude about it?

Think about the last few times you woke up suddenly. Chances are you looked at your watch to see how long you could sleep and found that it was 3 am.

In this scenario, do you remember if you woke up sweating, hot or very cold? Do you remember feeling chills or fear? Anyway, waking up at 3 am piques (and a lot!) the curiosity of people who want to find an explanation for the fact that they always wake up at the same time.

Interrupted sleep can reduce the quality of rest and damage your health. It is important to analyze possible biological and environmental causes so that this is not something routine. Insomnia, depression and anxiety can alter sleep cycles considerably.

If this goes on for a considerable period, you should consider seeking professional help. A psychologist and psychotherapy sessions can be a tool to deal with this.

Read on and find out what spirituality, from the views of different religions, says about it!

What does it mean to wake up at 3 am?

There are multiple mystical theories for involuntary awakening at 3 am, and one cannot say with conviction which of these theories is right, as it all depends on what you believe and how you view life.

Below, you will find different interpretations for this phenomenon that is literally keeping you awake at night. See how each religion interprets this fact, consider what makes the most sense to you and know how to identify what your sudden awakening symbolizes!

What happens at 3 am?

The period between 3:3 am and 59:XNUMX am is known among mystics as the dead hour. Also called the devil's hour, because in this interval, portals to other dimensions are opened, making the spiritual world widely accessible.

In this way, it is a good time for spirits to connect with our world, which also favors evil souls (such as obsessive spirits) to start wandering around here. The energies get heavy, and the most sensitive people end up being more influenced by this phenomenon. Maybe that's why many people wake up with a start at this time.

To know in detail everything about the famous – and dreaded – dead hour, read our full article β€œThe dead hour β€” what happens at 3 am?β€œ, which provides all the information about this period.

Is it normal to always wake up at 3 am?

Regardless of sleep pattern or quality of life, it is very common for us to wake up a few times during sleep. From a neurological point of view, this β€œslight” awakening is completely normal, which usually occurs in the transitions of sleep phases and can happen at the same time.

There are also more specific factors, such as respiratory problems, environmental issues, excess screens before bed and emotional disturbances. Light sleep occurs most often in the second half of the night. That's why these micro-awakenings are very common at this time. Being with the quality of sleep up to date, we don't even notice these events. But if we are under stress, the body becomes more tense, alert. Then we woke up and couldn't sleep anymore.

From a spiritual and mystical perspective, as we briefly mentioned above, it is common that, when we feel affected by the influence of evil spirits, we wake up at that specific time.

If there is heavy energy around us, it is common for us to wake up with a start and in a systemic way at 3 am. Positively, it can be an indication that the spirit world is intensely communicating with us in such a way that it activates our conscious mind and awakens us. In that case, we should take it as a sign from our spirit guides.

Meaning of waking up at 3 am for Catholic religion

One of the central theses of Catholicism is that there is good, represented by the kindness and humility of Jesus Christ, and evil, represented by the figure of the Devil.

With this, it is pointed out, in this religion, that the death of Christ - one of the most important events of Catholicism, which symbolizes the liberation from the sins of humanity - happened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and that the Devil would then have appropriated himself. 3:3 am (as opposed to XNUMX:XNUMX pm) as a way of representing the victory of darkness over light.

So, if 3:3 in the afternoon is a time that refers to heroism, kindness and the forgiveness of sins, the time of XNUMX:XNUMX in the morning is the time for the manifestation of hidden forces, it is when temptation and evil take over people's thoughts. . Awakening at this moment is evidence, then, that demons are trying to provoke you and lead you to evil in a very intense way.

There is no specific reason for this to happen to someone, because evil forces do not choose targets, but be careful to conduct your life in a way that surrounds yourself with light, in case this happens often.

Meaning of waking up at 3 am for spiritualism

Spiritism is a religion that defends the existence of a material plane, which is where we live, and a spiritual plane, where the spirits of people who have departed are.

Although only those who have developed mediumship are able to get in touch with the spirits, the religion states that, during the dawn, all the inhabitants of the material plane communicate with the inhabitants of the other plane of existence, even if they are not aware of that this is happening. The spirits you come in contact with during this period may develop thoughts in your head and even encourage you to take certain actions in life, but you will not be able to remember this contact.

So waking up at 3 am is evidence that the spirits are communicating with you intensely, to the point that this process almost takes over your conscious mind and wakes you up. It is, therefore, a natural event, which manifests itself on occasions of intense spiritual activity. Enjoy!

Meaning of waking up at 3 am for Umbanda

Like spiritism, the Umbanda religion argues that waking up at three in the morning is not necessarily a negative sign. In this belief, each time has a meaning – and they are divided into neutral, open or closed hours. Knowing each time and which of these time groups it belongs to is very useful for Umbanda practitioners, who use this information to understand the best time to perform rituals and prayers.

The period of neutral hours has neither negative nor positive influences, as it is a time of balance. In open hours, however, negative forces predominate, while in closed hours, positive influences are manifested. The 3 am time is included in the closed hours group, so it should be taken as a time to enjoy, pray and salute your beliefs!

What to do when waking up at 3 am, according to each religion?

If you woke up at three in the morning and follow the Catholic religion, you need to protect yourself from the demons that are trying to get to you. For this, you must pray a prayer of protection and make sure of the presence of God, making the negative influences go away, which will allow you to sleep.

For spiritism and for Umbanda, waking up at 3 am is not a negative thing, as was presented earlier. So, when that happens, you should take advantage of the moment by saying a prayer, thanking you for your day, for your life and, above all, for the contact that beings from another vital plane are establishing with you.

What to do not to wake up at 3 am?

First, take care of the quality of your sleep. Avoid watching TV or using your cell phone until just before bed. Preferably sleep in total darkness, as it is in the darkness that we produce the hormone melatonin, essential for the repair of our cells. Your body has a cycle, and that cycle needs to be respected. Sleep is sacred!

If you are going through moments of stress or anxiety, seek medical help for proper treatment. Also seek a light and healthy routine. Eat well, drink plenty of water (just don't drink too much before bed, so you don't have to get up several times in the morning), exercise (avoid exercises close to bedtime too).

Allied to this, in a spiritual perspective, try to provide yourself with good energies. Don't feed emotional tensions: avoid bad news, don't get annoyed with insignificant things, do good things, all this so that the Universe reverberates high frequencies. Try to meditate too, because it helps a lot to maintain emotional, physical and spiritual balance.

If you follow a religion or have a belief, say prayers before bed, so that your heart and soul can go to bed light, with good fluids and connected with the positive energies of the spiritual world. Avoid at all costs surrounding your life with heavy energies: do not feed jealousy, envy, rancor, resentment. Keep your body clean and uplifted.

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If the Universe returns to us what we give it, it is quite certain that our day-to-day β€œhaunts” are mere reflections of our daily actions. Good attracts good, so focus your energies on good things, give the world your best. Take care of your body too – after all, it is your home. It is the home of your soul and your emotions. A clean and tidy house leaves no room for any kind of illness – physical, emotional or spiritual.

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