Rebellion in Courage

“Nobody wants death, only health and luck”, sang the poet Gonzaguinha, however, most people spend their lives on the assembly line, as Charles Chaplin showed in Modern Times almost a century ago, working mechanically to exhaustion without knowing it. why or for what; yesterday and today, in the wheel of consumption, one walks like an automaton, alone, substituting conviviality and love for products, living dry lives, numbed by tiredness or in search of some bit of pleasure in drugs.

Complaints in the office refer to disorders resulting from stress, anxiety, depression or directly refer to a lack of meaning in life; not infrequently, the disease has already installed itself in the physical body, without knowing where it appeared as a reminder of our impermanence.

And death is an inglorious struggle and a lost cause; on the other hand, accepting the ephemeral of our existence, and even so, living it in fullness is presented as the great challenge of the human being. Animals don't have seizures.

In the struggle between the forces of life and the forces of death, Eros and Thanatos, as Freud wrote, despite everything that occurs to us, choosing life and making it a permanent creation requires courage, a subject addressed by the existentialist psychologist Rollo May. . The author reminds, however, that the search for truth and meaning has a price, the subject, by affirming what is dear to him in the most intimate of his soul, puts himself in a fight against the system, institutions and values ​​of which the his own family participates, receiving a harsh stigma, becoming the “black sheep” – as they used to say – or the wrong zygote, in short, society (and the family) is capable of a lot of cruelty. That's why most people are trying to adapt, not cause, not fight... And it makes them swallow frogs that settle in the body and sicken the soul.

Rebellion in Courage

The courage to create the new starts from a sense of inadequacy and a visceral unease with the status quo, with what is socially taken for granted, cool, beautiful and cool, containing a deep rebellion against pain, despair, discouragement and the system.

The entire movement for civil rights in North America, reproductive and sexual rights, struggles for equality between men and women, and the expansion of democracy in the last 50 years has required a lot of courage from its participants, such as that of Rosa Parks, a black woman who , in 1955, decided not to give up his seat on a bus for a white person to sit on, denouncing the oppression of racial segregation in the USA. A fact that cost him his arrest.

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When acting in dissonance to the rules and values ​​in force, the subject is seen as crazy or rebellious, as often the questions are not welcome, since they bother the sheep that want to follow in the comfort of the herd as observed by Nietzsche (2009); by not accepting the norm, what is socially determined and established, the individual becomes dangerous. There will be an attempt to frame or co-opt him; if you are rich and genius, the industry will provide you with high salaries and your genius will create new products, if you are not and insist on not molding yourself, there are great chances of falling into cane or being medicated with medicines to decrease your impetuosity and desensitize you from the pains of life or being thrown into a therapeutic community of beyond dubious methods.

The exclusion of what causes discomfort is a tool of the system, but it is surprising to realize that people condone illness and suffering, instead of accepting the daring to courageously live their own life and the truth of their soul.

Nietzsche, FW Genealogy of Morals. SĂŁo Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2009.10
May, R. The Courage to Create. SĂŁo Paulo: New Frontier, 1982.
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