Get rid of the emotional junk that tries to intoxicate you

We are born free, pure and clean from all mental and emotional pollution. We were born without any program. Our soul comes to the world in the pure divine essence, free from judgments, fears, guilt, anxieties, comparisons, inferiorities, sadness, in short... that is, our essence is pure love, light, peace, joy, self-esteem, courage... As we grow and interact with the environment, people and the world around us, we receive information and learning. So far so good! We do receive important and necessary information. But it turns out that 90 percent of this information comes loaded with the mute vision and programs of those around us. Which by the way also received influences and similar programs. Therefore, it is important that we do not judge these people in any way, as they acted according to what was also passed on to them!

So during our growth and development, these programs and information come in and are stored in us. The various programmers of our mind come into action, with their information and with their ideas. With that, little by little we are forming our personality according to the most powerful programmers of our lives. And I mention here the most important of them, which are our parents, relatives, teachers, priests, pastors... and I could include one more p in this list: we were also influenced by our first passions... first relationships, they developed depression problems, low self-esteem, they often feel bad, guilty, inadequate, failed…

Get rid of the emotional junk that tries to intoxicate you

There are so many negative programs and beliefs about ourselves, our behavior, the world, people and life, that it really becomes difficult to develop well in all areas! Many people carry blocks, insecurities, feelings of inferiority, failure, undeserving and so on… these programs are embedded within our unconscious, generating attitudes and behaviors that limit us from living a happy life. Until one day, suddenly, we look at ourselves, and we perceive ourselves full of fears, insecurities, full of beliefs that limit us and block us.

Despite all this, it is important, and today I want you to know that you are not that! I'll repeat: YOU ARE NOT THAT! YOU ARE NOT THAT GARBAGE TANGLE! We are all programmed. I'll give you an example: we often say that we don't like or agree with something, or vice versa, we agree and even follow some trend, preference or even a religion or behavior; without stopping to question ourselves, why we do or act in a certain way.

Get rid of the emotional junk that tries to intoxicate you

We hardly ask ourselves: do I really like this? Is that person I think so much like that? And why am I judging? Do I really have that opinion? Or is this based on the opinion and prejudice of others? Do I really think this, that I like this, that I want to do that? Or is it that my opinions, fears, anxieties, judgments, insecurities, and even likes and the way I behave are really consistent with me? I guarantee that when you start to act like this, that is, to question yourself, you will be surprised! Not always everything that resides within you is truly yours. Most of the time, they were programs placed on you, by parents, relatives, teachers, religious leaders, relationships, by the society you are a part of, also by consumer programs and the media.

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And then you ask me: “how do I get rid of all this garbage that tries to intoxicate my personality, my character and my behavior?” And I come back with the same answer as always: self-knowledge. We will always take the necessary turns and we will always fall into self-knowledge. He is the basis of everything! It is important that we question ourselves all the time, because when we question ourselves, we come to our essence! We will not always find an immediate answer, many times we will only find an inner silence that we may consider unanswered, however it is often precisely in silence that we find the answers.

In other words, it is in those moments when our being is empty of all this toxicity that we find peace of mind and the serenity of our heart to act in a given context. The chatter of our mind prevents us from listening to our heart. And that is where true wisdom and inner peace reside! Silence your mind!

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