Meaning of colors for the new year

We all know that in the New Year, superstitious people believe that the color of the chosen clothes influences the energy of the coming year. In España, it can be said that 80% of people choose to wear white, which represents peace and purity. For those who yearn for love, red is the choice as it symbolizes passion. In this article, understand a little more about the meanings of colors for the New Year.

Meaning of colors for the new year

Why do colors carry meanings and energies?

In psychology, colors have great meanings. People feel comfortable when colors refer to something they are used to, such as the soft tone of blue, which creates an association with the sky and provides a sense of calm.

If you think about it and notice, colors are regenerative aspects that affect our lives every day. The sun is yellow, which is the most visible color to human eyes. A sunny day brings us joy, so we automatically associate it with good feelings and a state of happiness. Yellow is proven to stimulate the mind. Gold, then, encourages material gains.

Understanding that colors have great psychological influence on human beings, then we can say that colors are also energies. The energy of an environment can be altered if colors are used incorrectly. Each color has its function in the field of vibrations. Going deeper into the matter, the Russians, a long time ago, discovered and photographed the luminous and colorful universe that surrounds the human body and that of other living beings. According to them, we have a reality far superior to what our eyes can see, because we are also colors!

(Let's agree that all color is energy, with a defined wavelength and frequency. If colors weren't energies, with waves and frequency, color TV wouldn't be possible).

Meaning of colors for the new year

New Year and the color of clothes – Is there an influence on the energy of the days?

The tradition of wearing white for the New Year as a symbol of peace is so ingrained in our culture that many people don't even know why this superstition exists. The most accepted version for the beginning of the adoption of white for New Year's Eve is that it came from Candomblé and African-based religions. In the 1970s, practitioners of the religion began to spread this custom on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro. The choice of white would be a way of representing the purification for the coming year.

With the study of color psychology and the concern already rooted in choosing clothes when a new year arrives, it is common for superstition to be emphasized at times in society - especially in the New Year. The energy they carry and the way they influence our brain can be considered great factors for us to make the right choice of energies when receiving a new cycle.

Know the meanings of the main colors for the New Year

Meaning of colors for the new year


The white color represents peace and purity. It is suitable for those who want calm and harmony for the coming year.


Green symbolizes hope and health. If these are your wishes for the coming year, invest in this color! The brightest tones are the most chosen.

Meaning of colors for the new year


Stimulating color, symbolizes love and passion. Wear red in the New Year and live intense romance in this new cycle. Ah, it is valid to say that some people wear their underwear in this color.


If you want a turnaround in your life, invest in silver! It symbolizes innovation and modernity.

Meaning of colors for the new year
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Yellow is associated with joy and also with material and spiritual riches. If you yearn for a financially prosperous year and for your inner glow to be expressed, bet on this color!


Blue symbolizes calm and represents the divine aspect. Use this color to attract well-being and tranquility for the coming year.

Now that you know the meaning of colors for the New Year, bet on what you want and make the best choice!

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