Your mission is to serve

    Mission: commitment, responsibility, incumbency, obligation, duty. These are synonymous with the word mission, but we go further: having (exercising) missions goes beyond the sense of obligation of something that must be accomplished.

    A mission actually doesn't have that weight, it's not expensive, much less arduous. The missions develop almost without us noticing them. They can be very simple in some cases, in others, very complex. The only thing that sets them apart is our adverse judgment, the labels we create to categorize people and their actions.

    Serving goes beyond being helpful. Service is kindness and collaboration. Being helpful, patient and courteous are behaviors that make us feel alive and allow us to spread what we have left inside, but we live begging our fellow human beings: love. It is by doing that we learn and understand our values, someone needs to start the movement and for us to receive what we ask for, do we need to “manufacture” this request ourselves, and how is this done? Serving!

    We serve each other in unimaginable ways. be with gestures, a text, a piece of advice, an attentive ear, a joke that is told, a sandwich that is shared, a look with presence, listening carefully to the elderly, helping people with some task, opening the door for a lady, being interested in the events of a child's day, asking permission to who cleans the floor we walk on, smile more, pretend that you don't know something, giving the opportunity for others to have space to express ideas about that subject that you think only you dominate, stop imposing truths, so that people can reason as want and for themselves, sincerely praise, recognize the virtues of others, validate the art of artists, admit opinions in our endeavors (you don't have to accept advice, but at least listen to it attentively, it's a sign of politeness and respect), among countless others…

    Your mission is to serve

    when we are able to to offer the other the best of us, the prize is ours! And before you start questioning why you should even consider being a server, remember all the people who treat you well and you despise, how many "good morning" you didn't answer...

    Moving on… We have people in our daily life and we don't know or are even willing to serve them. There are all kinds of lack in this world, often in our daily missions, extremely simple gestures can transmute hostile situations into welcoming.

    For example: imagine that an individual is having a bad day, he only comes across grumpy, angry, complaining people, whether in his work or family environment. Imagine now that you with a simple smile, a good day or with a license, uttered with mildness, can be a reference that the world is much more filled with good people than the opposite. Oh! Can you say: good people? How can one person make a difference in the day of someone facing various difficulties? That's the big riddle!

    Review your personal experiences and think again about what makes the most difference in your day: encountering 10 grumpy people or finding, even if only one person, who gives you a sincere smile, a serene look, an affable attitude? Which of these encounters would grab your attention enough to change your day?

    On the other hand, which group do you belong to? Are you from the grumpy crowd or the life enthusiasts? What do you want to arouse in the other? How do you serve the world? Don't forget: a good and high energy is capable of metamorphosing lives! Extra note: if you don't believe there are good people, don't consider yourself one either!

    Anyone on the face of the earth develops through experiences, experiences and situations from which the results that bear fruit in learning are revealed. Whether or not we know what our life mission is, we can consider that we are not always aware of it because it divides and spreads across multiple tasks in our daily lives.

    We waste a lot of time trying to find a great mission within us and we think that everything we do is too small. If we begin to understand that we have very great powers in attitudes that we think are very small, we will see that our problems are born with their own solutions. It is not that difficult to give to others what we want to receive. The cycles are repeated and the learning aims to expand, we don't need to depend on the power of others, we have all the power if we want it! When we cultivate good thoughts, there is no way to generate bad attitudes.

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