Energetic Earth Changes – Symptoms Continue

Beloved Ones, Earth's energetic changes continue apace. I have already said here on other occasions that there is a real revolution happening with the human body, as it is necessary to make the change from the carbon base to the new crystalline base.

Children are already being born into a new crystalline energy base, but adults are still born with a carbon base. As it is not possible to disincarnate all at the same time and reincarnate in the new base, the strong incidence of Light that the Earth is receiving is gradually changing the old bodies to adapt them to the new energies. It is a natural process, as the cells that make up the human body are changed on average every 4 months.

This energetic exchange affects all people. Some more, some less, according to the understanding and conscience of each one. It is certain that everyone will change the energetic base, but the symptoms are different, as resistance or ignorance of the facts will determine their intensity and duration.

You may be feeling very tired on certain days. In others, there is sadness for no apparent reason. Some periods can also bring intense discouragement, which will make you question all your decisions so far.

There are nights when you go to bed well and wake up in the morning very badly. Looks like he came back from a war. Tired, sore, unwell, discouraged, unwilling to do anything, and often with physical pain in the head, stomach, back, or limbs. You may also be sick, nauseous or have diarrhea.

This is because many of the energies are exchanged while we are sleeping. The more we change our consciousness to suit the New Earth, the faster our physical body will be ready. This is called CRYSTALLINE ENERGY ACTIVATION.

Once the incidence of Crystalline Light reaches Earth, everyone receives it, but whoever does not activate it, will benefit little or nothing from it.

You have to learn to activate it. First, understand at least a little of how this Planetary Transition process works. Understand what is really changing. Understand that the Crystalline Light affects everything and everyone, be it humans, animals, plants, minerals and everything that exists in these realms.

But above all, it affects human consciousness, for the Earth is a School of consciousness.

Submitted to the Crystalline Light, we can adjust it according to our vibrations. Through certain practices, we shorten the periods of discomfort that changes cause. Learning to channel this energy through contact with nature, with the earth, with water and plants. Knowing how to activate through breathing and meditation, with practices that balance energies, such as REIKI, for example. Use and abuse of imagination and creative mind, where you command your body through your inner voice and knowledge, always guided by the heart.

Energetic Earth Changes – Symptoms Continue
Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

Rest more. Sleep more. Eat less. Drink more water. Trust your personal power. Have more patience with yourself and others. Always love and forgive. Adopt practices that help with energy balance. Forget the past and not worry too much about the future. Live more in the present.

To feel! Trust! Believe! Understand that everything is changing, including our beliefs. Avoid competition and be more collaborative. Avoid discussions, understanding that each one is positioning themselves to occupy their place according to their energy and not yours. Understand that it is this positioning that will determine who will approach or move away from you. And that cannot be changed!

Understanding and accepting will always avoid the greatest pain.

Don't worry about those symptoms that come out of nowhere and then go away as they came. The desire to cry easily is not weakness, on the contrary, it is cleansing of the soul. Don't suppress that cry!

Try to avoid the memories that hold you back. There is no way to change the past! Just take the learning from it.

Try to avoid worrying too much about the future. So many things are changing that, of course, what you want for the future today will no longer have the same priority tomorrow. Build the present according to the present. Changes will come naturally and at the right time, neither before nor after!

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But above all, change your concepts! The Spiritual Helpers insist on saying that nothing of what we believed to happen a few years ago will be confirmed. Therefore, everything will come in the form of "novelty". Preferring to continue in unbelief will not help you at all. Be open to the new! Receive the new energies with love and gratitude. Believe more in yourself, because you are the architect who will build your path… No one else!

And, above all, avoid unnecessary medication, as it worsens this adequacy of energies even more. Don't silence your body's voice! First, listen to it carefully. Love yourself more and be proud of yourself, especially for your ability to adapt to the incredible changes that are taking place.

And when you don't know what to do, just do what has to be done, with love and with the intention of good! And everything will be perfect!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.

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