You can read what you don't see

    As you evolve as consciousness, perceptions that were previously restricted to the five physical senses begin to be directed towards the THIRD EYE. This inner eye, linked to the Pineal Gland, is being activated in your Crystal, and in this way, it is empowering the Star Being that you are.

    You can read what you don't see

    Originally, we are all star beings, with infinite powers. Due to the need for learning at a primary level of consciousness, that is, linked to the five physical senses, the Third Eye was practically deactivated, so much so that the Pineal Gland begins to dry up during adolescence.

    However, in this period of Planetary Transition, the high incidence of Crystalline Light coming from the Central Sun of the Galaxy is reactivating the Pineal in many people. In addition to the techniques that partially rehabilitate it, what most accelerates this reactivation is the inner change that each one makes. The more expansion of consciousness, the more activated the crystalline energy of the Third Eye becomes.

    activating the Inner Eye, it also increases the sensory capacity of the human being. And the sky is the limit! The powers become infinite, and so do the individual and collective capacities of humanity.

    The intuitive degree becomes elastic. The mediumistic channel, whatever its function, is also much more appropriate for the work assigned to it.

    You begin to sense the other's intentions. You can take a closer look at the true intentions behind anyone's words and actions. He begins to receive telepathic messages and is also able to hear his I SUPERIOR. When you are alone, calm and peaceful, you find yourself talking to yourself and you can see the depth and importance of the information you are receiving. So begin to listen to the voice of your heart.

    At this stage, you will also notice that a lot has changed regarding people, environments and conversations. Some people are no longer as important as they used to be. Your conversations seem too frivolous for your patience. However, new people appear who are more in line with what really interests you. They bring you more of what you feel you need, whether it's information or even people who make you feel more useful, because you'll realize that you also have a lot to offer. There is a more interesting exchange in living with them.

    Also at this point, you realize that the news is distorted in such a way that it makes you uncomfortable, because the lie is wide open. At first, it bothers you, but after a while, you just don't care anymore, because they won't influence you anymore.

    Another very common situation that happens when you are already within the new level of new consciousness is the sensitivity of feeling the energy of certain environments and also of people. You become a thermometer. Your higher energy will naturally feel much more easily when approaching a place or people that still vibrate at low frequencies. Chills, dizziness, feeling sick, nausea, pain in certain parts of the body, especially in the head, above the eyes, palpitations and change in the rhythm of breathing, are the most common symptoms that you are entering the denser vibrational field.

    Over time, you will better manage these disturbances, because every day, beyond understanding, the vibrational degree is increasing even more, bringing immunity against these low frequency energies.

    There are also some practices that greatly help to avoid being hit by these negative forces. Among the main ones, I will cite the need to replace personal behaviors.

    The further you move away from the ego's judgment, the purer your loving and positive presence will be, and the easier it will be to sense the status of people and places close to you. When a person is not aware of the balance of energy, negativity has a very strong pull and tries to capture a part of their essence. Remain in love, in good thoughts, control ego, judgment, anger, jealousy and envy, be compassionate and understand that everything is as it should be, precisely so that you find the ingredients for your individual soul progress.

    This loving acceptance from your heart creates a magnetic field around you and no negative forces come to you. You will become more and more aware of the differences in energies, but more and more you will also feel immune.

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