Tin-tin, shall we eat?

“Loving yourself is the beginning of an adventure that lasts a lifetime.”

Oscar Wilde 

Tin Tin

Listen to the clinking of glasses… In the intuition of celebrating something nice, let's toast!

Did I say "let's toast"?

Tin-tin, shall we eat?

OK. Let's talk about those who are satisfied with the life they lead, know that the best only comes when the best of us is given and live their days enjoying small pleasures, nice people, learning, good ideas and lots of energy.

They arrive at their homes at the time they want, many have the company of the dog, the cat… They establish their own routine and each day in their lives can be an adventure.

Who are?

You can recognize yourself in these lines, and I am happy if this text reaches you. This text was written with the intention of celebrating singles day. yes, single!

Calm down... It's still early for the toasts...

Do you remember the biology classes when the teacher taught us there on the board that “human beings are born, grow, reproduce…”?

Well then. There are people who, between growing up and reproducing it, decided to go further and live their lives without demands and without accepting impositions such as: “Get married and have a family before it's too late”, “I'll only be happy if I get married” Things like that. Singles, that is, those who think of another type of fulfillment that has nothing to do with marriage, prove that living in their own way, in their own time, in their own way, at their own pace and with truth is only good for you!

More and more I see super interesting people alone. Some tell me that there are other concerns besides getting married, dating... Or simply having someone and, with the life they lead, focused on work, personal growth or even to avoid disappointments, they prefer to invest in the old and more lasting relationship of “me with me” same". And they live the rhythm of their lives according to events. It is quite true that it has never been so good to be with yourself; It has never been so good to set priorities and put yourself first, today with the infinity of immediate news, information about good places to go, travel, study a course in a hitherto unknown area, meet people or simply enjoy your own company. I believe that continuing to think about yourself, in a healthy way and with a lot of self-esteem, has everything to do with it.

Singles are concerned about quality. Yes, the one who decided to be single made a primordial choice: respect for himself. For him, true relationships are welcome, of any nature, therefore, emotional maturity and learning lead his list of accomplishments; they invest in themselves and spread their good energy by creating a pleasant and favorable environment for lasting friendships and mutual knowledge. They have the perception that they will only be able to demand the best from the other when they reach “their best”, and this “best” will not be perfect.

Whatever the reason you're single, whatever the reason you broke a relationship (then I'll tell you that everything has a reason and maybe now is not the time to understand, but take good care of yourself and invest in yourself and everything will get better) or because it's been closed for a while (then I'd recommend checking the balance: positive? oops, move on) or, if you're really single, convinced and proud, oh, come and toast with us!

Did I say "we"?

Ah, all right… I lift the cup… I'm first… Who's with me?

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