Dream more

When we dream at night, we have the clear sensation that it is reality, that we are going through a certain experience, even though many unusual situations arise.

When dreaming, you are experiencing a strong impression of experiencing that situation. So it is. When we have our projects and we want to carry them out; when we dream about something, that clear sensation of experience that we experience in our night dreams should also be present here.

In other words, it is important that we believe in realizing our dreams. May we be able to feel the emotions, visualize our project as real. Believe in its materialization.

Not infrequently we want something, but we do not believe it is possible to achieve it. This does nothing to help us achieve our goals. In fact, this may be the main obstacle to not carrying out our projects. Understand, wanting is different from believing. Just wanting is not enough. It is necessary to go beyond, it is necessary to believe in the realization of the will.

Dream more
Nine Köpfer/Unsplash

Check if your beliefs, your feelings, your thoughts are compatible with the realization of your dreams. Never let limiting beliefs stop you. Those beliefs that may be ingrained in your mind, such as “this is too difficult”, “this is only for others”, “I am not good enough”, “I will never be able to achieve this goal”, “I have no ability for that”, “what will others think?”, “what if everything goes wrong?”, “better not to risk it”. These are just ways of thinking and believing about reality.

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Limiting ways, which, most of the time, prevent us from proceeding. Beliefs that connect us with fear, with shame, with low self-esteem. It is important that we overcome this way of thinking, and live our dream. First on a mental level so that it can then materialize in matter. Try it and move on. Go with courage, dream without fear of being happy. After all, life is made of dreams to be lived. Put more dreams in your life and see that you get closer and closer to your dream life!

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