You are unique!

We live in a competitive social and economic system, which promotes a lot of inequality and competition, so the human being, within this gear, tends to enter the comparison mechanism, but this only increases frustration and causes dissatisfaction. 

Stop comparing yourself with others and simply have yourself as a reference, based on your learning, your challenges and your experiences, in this way, you can better evaluate your development and get closer to who you really are!

You are unique!

How often are we tempted to compare ourselves with others and fail to look at our truth.

Each one has its history, its potential and learning.

As far behind as we may be, everything that happens to us can be for the greater good, if we understand that the movements that Life makes are to propel us forward and move, so that we stop resisting our own progress.

You are unique!

We want to compare ourselves with those who seem to have a better existence than ours and that's the same thing as a rabbit comparing itself to a lion and regretting not being like him.

Each person has his nature, his gift, his life mission, his potential, his deficiencies, his resistances, his attributes and challenges to face.

When you are tempted to compare yourself to others, look at yourself with compassion, be oil, recognize yourself, see what prevents you from moving forward, leaving your comfort zone and overcoming your resistance.

The qualities we most admire in others lie dormant in us, wake them up, understand the life you are, to live it more fully!

We change all the time, because life is transformation and this story that some are better and others worse is an illusion, because we don't know what a person was one day, or could become tomorrow.

A boatman may look very small in front of an executive or millionaire, but on the high seas, inside a boat, in the face of a storm, status and money will be worth nothing!

You are unique!

Everyone has their experiences and what matters is extracting meaning, development, improvement and understanding from them.

If we can see ourselves, without judging and condemning ourselves, recognize our limitations and have a connection with our Soul, we can walk the Journey that leads to ourselves!

It is by walking that the path is made… 

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Happiness is a state

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