Anxiety: Respect and Help

When looking up the term “anxiety” in the dictionary, several meanings appear. However, they all follow the same line: distress, anguish, uncertainties, fear of danger, among others. When someone suffers from a lot of anxiety, all these meanings come true, which prevents the person from acting and living happily.

It is very complicated to live with anxiety, because this disorder can directly influence others to appear, such as eating or sudden changes in mood, for example.

Anxiety can cause a person to suffer greatly in many ways, at different levels of intensity and in all aspects of life.

If you live close to someone who suffers from anxiety, such as your partner, a close friend or relative, you need to know how to deal with it, in addition to trying to help the person get better.

Anxiety and food

Remember that anxiety affects you physically, mentally and emotionally. Eating too little or too much is a cause of anxiety, it is as if the brain is seeking shelter through food, especially those rich in sugar (in the case of overeating). With the wrong diet, the person's body changes drastically, which can affect him emotionally.

In addition, eating poorly causes serious damage to the body, from headaches, gastritis, insomnia and dizziness to more serious problems, such as obesity, which, in many cases, also brings other health problems.

Having depression is also common for anxious people. After all, imagine not being able to control your thoughts so that you are calm and peaceful. It is to live always stressed, worried, distressed and distressed.

Even depression and anxiety form a very dangerous combination for the human body. Trying to control the emotions that each illness generates is very difficult for a person, as they are two extremes – while anxiety accelerates, depression stops someone.

Anxiety: Respect and Help
Tero Vesalainen / Shutterstock

Help: to help, always try to have a comforting word. Let them know that the person is not alone and that you will help in any way you can. It is very important for the person to feel that they have support and that they have not been left out by the people they love.

Give your shoulder to the person when they need it. It may seem little, but it is not. Often, someone with depression and anxiety just needs to feel safe in order to feel better. And nothing better than the company of a loved one.

Having a company is very important. But you have to understand that having alone time is also necessary. Think how stressful the whole dispute of sensations and feelings is. How tiring and exhausting it is. So, if your anxious partner asks you to be alone, respect and accept it.

Wanting to be alone means he needs to relax into silence or do whatever he feels is necessary to calm down and push away bad feelings. In his way, in his way and in his time. Think carefully. Sometimes everyone, even people without anxiety, needs time alone, whether it's doing something or not doing anything. It's normal.

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So remember to be able to hear everything he has to say – be it your partner, your friend, your parent, your child or anyone you care about. Be able to hear what he wants to say, respect what he wants, and help him in other ways when he asks for your help.

Another thing that can help a lot is for you to make the environment relaxing and safe. Meditation music, natural light and soft sounds of nature (such as rain or birds singing) make the environment more peaceful. You can also offer massage, affection and hugs to convey security.

In any case, remember that the main ones are respect and love. Ally with this to have patience and strength to help those who need it in the necessary way.

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