Graphology and its mysteries

    Graphology is a science that leaves any human being open-mouthed, when used by a serious, competent professional who has professional ethics.

    It is a science that began in 1622, in Spain, arriving in Espaรฑa at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, and that today is the most complete method of diagnosing the human personality.

    When signing, the human being puts the best or worst of himself. In a letter, the intelligence, dynamism, character, sexuality and personality of the person who makes it can be evaluated.

    It reveals the fears, traumas, dreams and potential of each one. Your handwriting is your DNA, from which one does not run away or pretend. Nobody can hide once they put their registered profile when signing up.

    Through Graphology, we can hire the best employee, for the most appropriate position in the company, and can also verify what pathology the human being suffers from.

    We can even help a person to correct his defects through the letter.

    You can't hide anything from a good graphologist, but also, using graphology, you can improve the quality of life of those who do it.

    Also, Graphology is a powerful tool to help couples to verify their competences, their differences and their potential. Thus, they will improve the coexistence in life together. And we have cases of medical diagnoses, which once worked on the trait that potentiated such pathology, the person ends up finding a cure. Another use of Graphology is to diagnose the professional potential of undecided young people, in relation to the profession they should assume in their future. It's a vocational test.

    In the interview, in the chat, in the behavior, the person can disguise, can fantasize and dissimulate the internal poverty, but when putting their traits on paper, through the letter, the person reveals their most secret ambitions, their fears and insecurities. On the other hand, they also make public, through the lyrics, their values, their neuroses, their potential for this or that function, even revealing their sexuality, drug use, chemical dependence, leadership capacity, passivity. , communication, etc.

    Graphology and its mysteries

    Today, many companies make use of Graphology in their selection process, precisely because it is not possible to prepare for a test, since the person's handwriting will talk about it, no one can disguise this, and just by holding a letter, in a fraction of a second, a good graphologist can already make a profile of a person.

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