Christmas: time to celebrate life

    There is no Christmas without joy, without celebration. Christmas is a time for fraternization, for a hearty table, for peace. Time to celebrate life. Time dedicated to what really matters: the human being and spirituality.

    Christmas is a time to practice charity, distribute soup, basic food baskets, give and receive gifts. It is a time when Christian humanism emerges with full force in people; a time of joy, union and hope.

    But unfortunately not everyone thinks so. The human being, due to the lifestyle he leads, seems irremediably contaminated by selfishness. Everyone wants to achieve success and happiness as quickly as possible. However, few are those who care to achieve all this on their own merits.

    People seem to forget the greatest commandment of the God law: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and your neighbor as yourself. same. There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).

    I say it loud and clear: it is not enough to get to the top by stepping on others, using illicit means. True success, lasting success, is only achieved through ethics. Evil and corruption will never have the last word. The last word who has is always God. God is good all the time and He always shows the way of truth. Just believe in Him.

    Christmas: time to celebrate life
    Gary Spears / Pexels

    Christmas is also a period of “review” of our life. A time to review what was done right or wrong and to ask forgiveness, if necessary, for people who have been hurt. Forgiveness is an essentially divine gesture, a typical feature of Christian humanism.

    About forgiveness, Jesus says: “And when you are praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your heavenly Father also may forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your sins” (Mark 11:25).

    Christmas is a time to renew hope, bonds of brotherhood, love, friendship, trust in people. Naturally, the biggest event of Christmas is the birth of the Baby Jesus. However, we are invited to be born every day, to become children, so that we can enter the kingdom of God.

    In this regard, Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:13).

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    Christmas is also a shopping season, why not? A time to buy new clothes, clothes to go out, clothes to sleep, underwear, clothes for the parties, for the celebrations. A time to eat lentils, panettone, pomegranate, ordering, jumping waves…

    Finally, Christmas is a time of joy, of renewing hope for the new year that is about to begin, of increasing the bonds of fraternity, of sincere love for oneself and for others. And long live the One who makes all this possible, The Baby Jesus, Our Lord Jesus Christ!

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