Tips on a man's responsibility during pregnancy

Despite being very romanticized, pregnancy is a period that can be quite difficult for many women. That's because, during this time, numerous bodily changes take place in mom — not just physical changes, such as swelling and changes in skin texture, but also hormonal changes, which cause mood swings.

For parents, during pregnancy, it is up to, first of all, to understand all these changes and oscillations that happen to the woman at that time — and about which you can delve deeper in our article on the subject. And in addition, there are a number of attitudes that must be taken by men while the partner carries the long-awaited baby of the couple in her womb. Check out the 8 main tips on the responsibility of men in pregnancy below!

1 – Follow prenatal care

Tips on a man's responsibility during pregnancy
Getty Images Signature / Canva

It is extremely important that the father is aware of everything that happens in relation to the health of the pregnant woman and the baby to know how to act and how to take care of both. That is why it is essential to follow prenatal care, going to consultations and accompanying the partner in medical exams. Even if it is not feasible to be present at all such events, due to work, for example, the father must be aware of everything that happened at each stage of prenatal care.

2 – Offer emotional support to the mother

Pregnancy can be a very unpleasant and uncomfortable period for moms, not only because of the bodily pains of carrying a baby inside your own body, but also because of the various hormonal changes that can cause emotional destabilization. That's why offering emotional support to the expectant mother is probably one of the most important attitudes to have when becoming a father. If this is your case, always stay by your partner's side, listen to her, have acts of affection and be kind to her at all times, showing yourself as understanding and willing as possible.

3 – Learn to take care of the baby

For first-time parents, especially, it is important to prepare for the arrival of the baby from the first months of pregnancy, after all, taking care of a child requires a lot of specific care. Learning to take care of the baby is an attitude that the couple must have together, but as the responsibility is often related or attributed more to the mother than to the father, it is important to emphasize that the man needs to be proactive in relation to this already during the woman's pregnancy. Thus, when the couple's child is born, the father will already be prepared and able to perform all the necessary functions to take care of the baby.

4 – Study everything related to childbirth

Along with studies on how to care for the baby, the father must engage and prepare for the moment of delivery. This is because, at the time of birth, he must be the main strength of the pregnant woman, being prepared for any events and emergencies that may occur, from the moment the water breaks until the precious moment of holding the child in her arms for the first time. .

Tips on a man's responsibility during pregnancy
Oleg Baliuk / Canva

In fact, it is also very important that the father understands everything about breastfeeding. Although it cannot be performed by the man, breastfeeding can be a difficult time for women and being aware of the events related to this, being present for the mother during these acts, can make everything better.

5 – Get involved in choosing the trousseau

Taking an interest in the baby's layette is a way for the father to get even more involved with the mother and the baby and can result in very pleasant moments for the couple, which will only benefit the pregnant woman and their relationship. In addition, the fact that the man is involved in this type of choice helps to take the burden off the mother from all the choices and responsibilities in relation to the child, making the father also present.

6 – Talk to the baby

In addition to being a beautiful display of affection that is sure to please the mother, talking to the baby inside the belly is a way for the father to bond with his child from the womb. That's because from the twentieth week of pregnancy the baby already has the ability to capture sounds. After birth, then, he is able to recognize the voices he heard inside his mother, being able to recognize his daddy.

7 – Taking care of the house

Tips on a man's responsibility during pregnancy
Jevtic from Getty Images/Canva

Although the man always needs to be active in this sense and must share the tasks equally with the woman at home, it is important to emphasize that the care of the home, both in terms of cleaning and finances and other administrative needs, must be under the responsibility of the father during the time when the mother carries the couple's baby in her belly. This is because the pregnant woman, during this period, is not only not able to perform all these tasks (after all, there is a being growing inside her body), but also deserves rest and relaxation for a better development of the child.

8 – Give up negative habits

In addition to having to stop smoking, when pregnant, women should stop using alcohol and other substances harmful to the baby, getting used to healthier habits, which include making changes in their diet and not being able to expose themselves to certain environments. All of this can be challenging and unpleasant for the mother, so it is important for her partner to accompany her in these new customs and not maintain negative habits with her, as this can make the pregnant woman's daily life even more difficult.

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In short, the gestation period demands a lot from the people involved, not being a simple time to face. That is why the mother needs to be supported as much as possible, having a companion by her side who is aware of everything that is happening and is also able to always act in the best possible way. Father, be aware of your role and responsibilities even before the birth of your child. With this, the child will come into the world in a home prepared to receive it and balanced in terms of the couple's tasks.

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