Garden of Life

    I constantly hear people wishing for a change of life and admiring the neighbor's grass for being so green and beautiful. While they are leaning against the wall, enjoying the green carpet of the neighbor next door, their lawn is sick, malnourished, with excess moisture and without pruning, taken over by pests that have destroyed its natural beauty.

    This is because people are more concerned with watching the success of others than chasing their own happiness.

    Success is subjective. Someone considers it successful to have a lot of money and travel the world staying in the most luxurious hotels. Even if it means sacrificing nights on end, family life, time and social life. For others, success can be having a little house in the country, with two children, seven dogs, three cats, two birds and a turtle, working enough to live, without luxury, but with free time to be close to those you love and practice your hobbies.

    In my view, success is when you, regardless of your financial situation, look at your journey and are proud of the path you are taking, are happy to see where you have arrived and are excited to imagine where you want to go. I believe that success has to do with the state of mind, with having been important in someone's life, having made a difference in someone else's life, whether it's giving good advice, making them laugh in a moment of anguish, in short, sharing love and being the necessary good.

    Get off the wall, look around you and see your lawn. Don't you think you wasted a lot of time enjoying other people's grass, while your garden was waiting for your care?

    We spend most of our time wondering why things don't work out, why plans don't turn out as imagined... Unfortunately, we fail to cultivate our viridary, we allow thoughts and feelings of frustration, unhappiness, fear and envy to take over. of our hearts like pests that have wiped out the lawn.

    Garden of Life

    If you are not satisfied with what you see when you look out your window, then it is time to change, practice detachment, chart new paths, allow yourself to meet new people, smell new smells, taste new flavors, experience new experiences, plant good feelings, positive energies and lots of love.

    Sometimes you will devote a lot of time and love to a flower, but it will not succeed. It may be that the soil is not suitable, maybe that flower will bloom in another orchard – that's ok – there will be other types of flowers suitable for your garden, as well as there will always be new people and opportunities in your life. Patience, love, dedication, faith and good will are the secrets for the cultivation and flourishing of the garden of life!

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