The truths that life has taught us day after day

Conflicting feelings, hurt, anger, fear, anguish, happiness, anxiety, passion, love… So many! How can we fit them into our daily lives? Do we know exactly how to name each one of them? Do we readily recognize our emotions and do we know why we feel them?

How far is it fair to brood over the past, to rummage through the chest of suffering in search of answers when we have life ahead of us; uncertain, of course, but an infinite number of possibilities and surprises?

Come with me and we'll help each other to debate the issue. Follow me?

The good I do today may be forgotten tomorrow!

Yup. Yes and yes, my friend, but just for that will you stop doing it?

How many people will be able to benefit from your smile, your willingness to be useful and your sympathy? Have you measured? Ah, so measure another little thing: just because someone wasn't grateful to you, is it worth not helping others anymore?

What nothing! Get to work whenever you see someone needing help; you are a nice being and there are a lot of people needing you!

I'm not lucky in love!

The truths that life has taught us day after day

Oh, what's up! How not?

Experiences in the affective field are there to teach us and, over time, we know when we are with someone who really deserves us and vice versa; what we bring back from our old relationships only serves us to detect when a relationship is no longer healthy; on the other hand, it also serves to show us our potential and to develop qualities in ourselves that we want to find in our partner… It's the law of attraction, you know?

If it didn't work out that time, now you're going to work hard and earn it! Courage and believe in you! Show yourself as you really are and overcome the fear of starting a new relationship, okay?

I wanted a better job but I can't!

Oops! Will give up?

No! Be honest with yourself and objectively ask yourself what is so special about that ideal job that makes you want it; at the same time, why does it make him unattainable and unreachable? Does it really exist or have you created something impossible to justify your pessimism in the face of reality?

Confront yourself. Question yourself. You are special and you can do the best for yourself.

A true friend accepts us as we are!

The truths that life has taught us day after day

Yup. And more or less too... Calm down, I don't want to create a fuss, but come on... Imagine that you are going down a harmful path and your friend gives you that ear tug... Are you going to be angry?

Be grateful when a friend calls your attention and still says it's for your good... I know, sometimes we get annoyed with them and we think they don't understand us.. But look, a friend who is a friend is always together, even if whether to take us by the arm and give that shake! Count on your friend!

The neighbor's grass looks greener than mine!

It's the famous "why does he have it and I don't?". Knows?

Each of us is in a different way, thank goodness!

Don't waste your time noticing the other's life, what he has achieved, the clothes he wears, etc. There is a force so much greater than that feeling, my friend. Think you have your life to care about and an infinite world of possibilities and opportunities, okay? Your needs and dreams are yours and yours; what the other has or what he does with his life does not concern him. Come on!

“Be” as a mantra!

You know when we say “if I lose weight, I'll be more beautiful”; “if you buy that car, everything will change”… “If this, if that”… Forget it!

You are important as you are; having “things” is not being happy!

It is harmful to impose the “if” to make happiness a goal. Happiness comes at every moment, when we perform from small actions like smiling at each other, as when we fulfill a purpose we set out to and work hard. What changes, perhaps, is the degree of satisfaction. But happiness is the present, you can't aim to be happy, folks!

Having a car, a dress, a house, of course it's nice, but that can't be seen as a passport to happiness, okay?

I've seen people feeling tremendous loneliness from the top of a luxurious penthouse, as well as I've seen people smiling from ear to ear, believing in life, making things happen and infecting others for no apparent reason, living in a simple house and having to do the same. impossible to be able to give the children all the meals of the day.

I will pay in the same coin!

What's the reward in doing this? What would it mean for you to “give back” to someone who has wronged you? Maybe it's time to understand your emotions, which will be on the edge of your skin, but not do anything that will cost you a lot of regret later on or even a soul disease. If someone has wronged you, it's time to close this chapter and write another, brand new, looking for people who deserve your affection. Do not return hate and anger; It's only worth repaying love and respect!

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