Happy New Year!

We are in transformation and if you are feeling lost or lost, not knowing the direction for your next step, stay calmly where you are, breathe and wait just a moment, your soul is tuning in to a new energy that has just arrived. An energy so bright and new that you need to let your body and mind get used to it, but so delicious and good that it will be worth the wait.

Our end of the year, normally blessed with the reunion of families at Christmas and New Year's parties, will be more special, because in addition to our blood family, we will be strongly supported by our soul family. Do you know that we all have a family of spirits that are working for the upper layers of the planes of existence? These families are currently turning their light and energy to us, this New Year's Eve, to strengthen our vibration in preparation for the year 2020, which even with many challenges to overcome here on the material plane, will be of much love.

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This new energy began to act with more strength and freedom in us in November and was more active than ever in December, so in 2020 it will be full.

Happy New Year!

2020 will be marked by the understanding of abundance, great relief has been brought to those who have been in need for so long, as inequalities are increasingly revealed and with the knowledge of the population that it is being exploited, these conditions will no longer be sustained. There will be resistance from the powerful who will distil fear like vipers, but we are already prepared for this with the support of our soul families. We will resist the worst fears. This is the challenge, resist fear, resist even if it seems impossible for the situation to turn to love, and in these moments of weakness look at the examples of resistance that nature has shown us every day.

Nature conquers the concrete that should smother and suffocate its flowering and opens the way in search of sunlight. Even when a land is devastated by fire and the greed of men, the land remains fertile and is reborn for another harvest. And when we throw poison to weaken the ecosystem so perfectly created to perpetuate life, nature does everything possible to avoid returning the poison to the fruits and vegetables we eat. Nature exchanges violence and neglect for kindness and humanity. Look at nature when you need to remember that we have a lot of strength to make a difference and collaborate for the evolution of planet Earth as a whole, without excluding the human race, as many beings who proclaim themselves human, but deny their essence when they believe that the human race has a talent for violence.

We don't, we were born pacifists and violence was never one of our weapons or instincts, on the contrary, we use weapons precisely because of our natural inability to violence. There are many influences on this planet that still resist the light, but that lose strength and space with each new light we light in our hearts. Embrace your family and welcome your soul family with open arms, because then we will also have a legion in the light to support us. We are all one large and fraternal enlightened family, celebrate this new year with enthusiasm and joy, as we are increasingly supported by the high vibrations of unconditional love from the Creator.

I'm Allan Lucena and this message comes from my soul family.

Wise Gratitude to you all!

Happy New Year!

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