You are not responsible for the expectations of others.

It's hard not to get carried away by the expectations that other people think or create about us. The truth is that any action, change we try to make comes to mind as others will say or think about it.

A free human being who seeks peace, helps others and doesn't care about what society wants him to be or do, may be hard to find. There may also be many people who are tired of doing things to please others, but it is a fact that society puts us in a vicious circle in which it is not so easy to get out.

Expectation x reality

How many things do you do to please others? What do you do without thinking about what others will tell you? Be free. Love the one you want to love. Do what you want to do, even if it makes you little change at the end of the month, and be friends with those you love the company.

But not. Regarding the expectation of what others think/demand from us, we surrender. We give ourselves to what best represents in the eyes of society. The profession that pays the best, a good companion and friends that I can go to in interesting places.

Can't you just throw it all away? Yes, many are doing this, despite making such changes with a heavy heart, as they know they have an unbelieving society judging their attitudes.

You are not responsible for the expectations of others.

do you matter

Yup. You are important and it is only you that matters. It is your happiness, your desires and desires that matter. Deep down you are free, believe me, but you are targeted with what others think about you.

How many illnesses and negative feelings are created about what others think about us. You get sick, stressed, your anxiety increases, after all we need to please. I need to work for the best company. We need to be successful. We need to have a beautiful family. In exchange for what? Of society.

The way out is to be free

It's possible. You don't have to change radically, but start by cherishing your feelings. Cherish your company, your hugs and your words. But watch, watch. Observe your attitudes, what you are aiming for in the world and around you.

They taught us that to be happy we need to have money. We work hard. We work overtime. There are millions of unhappy people waking up every day unable to really know where happiness is. If these people opened the curtain on their own lives and realized that nothing is needed to be happy, tomorrow many people would be free.

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