Is there a key to unlocking your true purpose?

    Everything you need to know is already within you. The wisdom, knowledge, insight and purpose of your life. Rumi said, "What you are looking for is looking for you." So, just as you seek meaning and purpose in your existence, Source Energy is responding by offering you guidance.

    It can be very easy to lose our bearings when we are struggling to make things happen. We fill our lives with so much distraction, activity, and material possessions that we forget about the beautiful wisdom within. Source Energy is constantly sending us messages, if only we will go into silence to listen and observe. We are divinely inspired to find our purpose when it resonates with our soul.

    Finding and walking the path of purpose is a lifelong endeavor. But how to get there? Finding your purpose can sometimes feel like trying to solve a math problem with half the numbers missing — it's hard to even know what you're looking for. And how no two people will ever walk the exact same path find these answers it's about you and you alone.

    Is there a key to unlocking your true purpose?

    The sacred key that will open and revitalize, with some innovative ideas for finding and living your purpose, is totally unique to you, “the universe and its DNA” created specifically for you.

    The problem is that, although we could be making a huge effort to walk positively, obstacles and difficulties are deeply rooted in our subconscious, without us being aware of them. Those difficult experiences we had at the beginning of our life, which created fears and limiting beliefs, registered in our brain, keep us in the comfort zone to protect us from threats, and this prevents us from experiencing new experiences that are necessary to face if we wish to seek personal growth.

    In these places you will find the key to the next phase of your journey. If you are open and willing to overcome obstacles, it will always find its way to the exact place it needs to be. You know your comfort zone is not where the magic happens. If you let your ego run the show, you will live and die in that comfort zone and miss out on the incredible potential that you and no one else have to change the world. If an opportunity presents itself to you and gives you both fear and excitement at the same time, that opportunity is divinely ordained for you. That connection is the key that opens the door to your purpose.

    As you evolve throughout your life, so will your purpose.. There is not just one sacred key, only one moment of revelation. Consider the reappraisal moments that appear in your life, whatever form they take, be it a job opportunity, a failed relationship, or some other closed door, as roadblocks on your path to purpose.

    While the pull to procrastinate, distract yourself, or play safely may seem especially strong when it comes to your work, it's time to start pursuing your life's purpose. While stability may seem like the most important thing, know that you are divinely supported to get out of whatever is holding you back.

    There are some good reasons to be in a job that doesn't fully utilize the incredible gift you have to offer the world. Today, you can begin the process of consciously fulfilling your life purpose.

    If you're reading this article, you might consider it a sign that a part of you is ready to stop dreaming of your purpose and live it. Understand some steps for you to consciously fulfill your purpose.

    Is there a key to unlocking your true purpose?Investigate your feelings of vulnerability and fear. Let's face it: the prospect of consciously living your purpose is one of the most vulnerable things you can do. Dropping everything you are familiar with with the intention of declaring your authentic self to the universe is no easy task. But the potential energy of that action, the potential that is inducing uncertainty and fear, is also what makes this journey so energizing.

    For example, if your purpose is to write books, it might feel like a big part of you is in the pages of the book. Therefore, when others read it, you may feel exposed or open to criticism or rejection. If you don't support the parties who are afraid of criticism and rejection, you will always find excuses not to write your book. It is a form of self-protection. If there is no book, there is no vulnerability.

    Inquiry is important in supporting the parts of you that feel vulnerable, allowing others to experience the fruits of your life purpose. When you feel vulnerable from consciously living your life purpose, investigate these feelings:

    If I consciously live my purpose, I fear… What's the worst that can happen? What am I afraid of? What would change?

    You've probably learned that it's important to be consistent and firm in everything you do.

    And it's true that consistency and perseverance are important traits for consciously living your life's purpose. But what would happen if you allowed yourself to change constantly?

    What part of you is afraid to change? What will happen to you or your relationships if you change? How can you support this part? Who do you need support from to change?

    Permission to change gives you the freedom to grow and consciously experience all aspects of your life purpose. Forcing yourself to remain the same always limits your life purpose and kills your conscious, creative expression..

    Is there a key to unlocking your true purpose?Have you ever had a cool idea, but then thought, “This is really weird. No one will want to hear, see or buy that”?

    Judging your creativity or the voice of your mind is one of the most common ways to forbid yourself from connecting to and fulfilling your life purpose.

    Silence the mind and listen to the wisdom of your heart. Connect with the truth your heart gives you, connecting with your feelings and emotions. Truth will be light and illusion will seem heavy. If fear gets in the way, you may not hear the truth your heart gives you. Surrender your fear to Source Energy to be transformed into faith. Get out of his head and listen to your heart.

    Our Western culture has programmed us for conformity, suppression of emotion, routine, safety, and what would be "a well-paying job." We choose careers for income generating potential. If you truly understood the highest truth, then you realized that you can and will be abundant and prosperous in fulfilling your life's purpose, you would never fear that you could not make a living being an artist, a healer, a musician, a nurse, a teacher. or anything else you feel you are being called upon. Hear the whispers of your heart. Life purpose is inherently unique to you. You express your life purpose in a way only you can.

    We are all being divinely supported and called to awaken to our life purpose and take action. The ThetaHealing® technique can be a powerful tool to help, support and unlock the key to consciously living your purpose.



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