Yoga: give up or continue

As a Yoga teacher and practitioner, I have experienced this moment many times:

Students who start to practice with a lot of excitement and desire.

They dedicate themselves a lot and feel changes in their lives.


Some disappear without giving news.

The ones that show up again and explain why they stopped have a common theme: Yoga has started to bother.

Yoga: give up or continue

In this practice, we start to move the body. And from the physical body we go to the mind. The energy body. The memories, the traumas. The psychological pains.

You have to move the wound to clean it. It's no use covering the wound with a lot of bandage, because every time you open it, it will hurt more. And there are so many things stored inside our body that are stored for years and years. Lives, even.

We begin to open space in the body and release sensations, some of which are very pleasant. Others don't. Practicing Yoga is not a bed of roses all the time. Our aim is to reach this point, to always be internally happy, regardless of external conditions.

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To get to this point, that of true freedom – we have to go a long way. Each person has their own and a different time. We are all unique.

But we all need to go through that path. Yoga works like a particle accelerator, because in some way we cause cleaning and the appearance of ingrained patterns.

These patterns can appear as a form of physical pain. Injuries appear for us to discover what the addicted physical – and mental – posture is like. And the injury comes to teach you how to improve that. Is it okay to stop practicing? Of course!

Stopping practicing when discomfort appears is like walking backwards. Imagine that you started going through a tunnel. There's a light at the end, but to get there you have to walk through the dark for a while, but it's no use going back to the beginning of the tunnel.

Yoga: give up or continue

Of course, you're not the same person anymore, but the work falls in between. And the dressing doesn't end. You really need to have the courage to practice Yoga, see what bothers you and what needs to be changed in everyday life. Undoing patterns, even the ones that cause suffering, take you out of your comfort zone and it hurts.

Touching the scars that seemed healed is part of the Yoga process and of becoming better people for us and the world.

Don't run away from yourself. Invest in you!

Practice, observe, ask for help whenever you want to give up. And stay strong! Because it's worth it!

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