Yoga can stimulate childhood creativity

    The practice of Yoga calms our mind, and our little ones can and should take advantage of this moment to stimulate creativity, an extremely important skill especially during early childhood. Of course, every child is creative by nature, but given the current scenario in which we live, we are responsible SIMs. in helping them to stimulate this ability so that they can allow themselves to access new and even innovative ideas.

    In childhood, we can fly far, without barriers. Playing is almost a “profession” for them.

    For more “bobo” As it may seem, suggesting games in which they have to think about how to use a cardboard box, for example, can and will be the key to opening that little door that he thought was closed. It's almost a brainstorm to find solutions to his own situations in his life. Later, he will remember the technique and use it in other life situations.

    Yoga can stimulate childhood creativity
    Oksana Kuzmina / 123RF

    From creative thoughts, in a meditation, they start to live their own experiences, without the intervention of anything and anyone.

    They should not be interrupted or criticized so that they have freedom and purity in their thoughts, and begin to understand the mind and that it is possible to materialize everything they think. Therefore, it is very important to have productive and healthy thoughts.

    The learnings will come directly into situations in their lives, which will make it clearer how all those thoughts work. They begin to understand that they can do the same thing differently. They realize that they can find one or more solutions to a given situation. They begin to understand intuition even if unconsciously. They create toys and games from their own minds. They become more confident in dealing with situations and value life, mind and body because they discover how fundamental they are to everything.

    Yoga can stimulate childhood creativity
    yarruta / 123RF

    For children anything is possible.

    And if she has the freedom to think she will surely fly far, far away.

    This will certainly reflect in adult life. She will have more security and calm to deal with situations that arise because she will know from her own experience that there are solutions and opportunities for every situation.

    Training the creative mind makes a reflective citizen.

    Article written by Caroline Barrio from “A Kasa Viva”.

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