Yoda, the legendary Jedi master, connects you with your inner self

In the Star Wars franchise, Yoda is a legendary Maester Jedi, the strongest and wisest Jedi of all time. His most important student is Luke Skywalker, which Yoda trained to be the future of the Order. Yoda trains all Jedi for over 800 years, training and teaching, as well as spending his life unlocking the path to immortality.

We separate wise phrases from the master for you to reflect on.

Yoda teaches about feelings
Wars don't make anyone great. Use your feelings, you must.

He teaches you where to put your energy
Just as a true Jedi does not use the Force to attack, you must put your energy into knowledge and defense.

He teaches about the ways of life
Fear leads the way to the dark side of the Force… fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.”

He teaches detachment
Train yourself to let go of everything you are most afraid of losing.

Yoda, the legendary Jedi master, connects you with your inner self

Yoda teaches about your intuition

“You must feel the Force around you. Between you, me, the tree, the stone… everywhere!” Just like the Force, energies flow everywhere, it's up to us to recognize it and direct it to the things that really matter.

He teaches about the dark side
"Hard to see the dark side of the Force is." Like evil, the dark side manifests itself in a sneaky way, without anyone noticing its presence until it has completely succumbed to it. Don't give room to the dark side.

He teaches us to be careful
A Jedi's strength comes from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression… From the dark side of the Force they are. Easily they flow, quick to get into a fight with you.

he warns
Once you enter the path of the dark side, it will forever dominate your destiny; consume you it will.

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Yoda, the legendary Jedi master, connects you with your inner self

Yoda teaches about death

"A natural part of life, death is."

He talks about the future
The dark side covers everything; impossible to see, the future is.

Yoda asks you to feel
Expand and feel the Force around you.

He talks about losses
The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.

Yoda speaks of the benefits of the Force
The Force my ally is. And a powerful ally she is. Life creates it; makes it grow. It surrounds us and unites us with its energy.

Yoda, the legendary Jedi master, connects you with your inner self

Yoda teaches about the future

Always in motion is the future.

He talks about spirituality
Luminous beings are us… not this gross matter.

Yoda talks about feelings
Happy be for those who transform themselves in the Force. Mourn for them, don't. Miss them, don't miss them.

Yoda talks about learning
Pass on what you've learned.

Dialogues between Yoda and Luke Skywalker:

Yoda, the legendary Jedi master, connects you with your inner self

Yoda: That place is filled with the dark side of the force, it's an evil domain. In there you must…
Luke: What is there?
Yoda: Only what you take with you.

Luke: Is the dark side of the Force stronger?
Yoda: No, no, no… It's easier, faster, more seductive.

Luke: How will I know which is the dark side and which is the good?
Yoda: You will know. When calm is, at peace.

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