
The belief in several gods is something recurrent in our history, the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Indian, indigenous, African civilizations are examples of this. The origin of monotheism would be linked to Abraham, others say that its origin would be linked to the Stonehenge Monument, in England, in a veneration of the Sun made by the Celts.

But what about polytheism? When and how did it come about?

Well, in the western question, it is known that Egypt started its dynasty before Greece and Rome, and that these two civilizations could have “copy and pasted” their devotions, but with different names. There is talk of Egypt in 10.000 BC Another civilization would be Sumer, which had its heyday well before Egypt and preached several gods. This people took root in Babylon.

But where did they get that veneration?

Place of the first “homo sapiens”, Africa has the Orixás as one of the religions, and they are worshipers of various entities. But how did they start this? India has Hinduism as its major religion, having several gods, it is a very ancient people, but how did they arrive at this? Perhaps all indigenous beliefs are in various gods, specifying the Mayan people, which predates Christ, is said to be 4, 5 thousand years old.

How did this divine sharing come about?

The answer is simple: just get out of the idea that we are the only beings in the Universe. In Egypt, with the creation of the pyramids, to this day it is not possible to explain how everything was done. It is said that inhabitants of Sirius and Orion were there to set up such monuments. And the growth of this people, in the same sense, goes for the Sumerian people. Huge buildings in Babylon were built by the Annunaki beings, who are even mentioned in the "Bible" as Nephilim. There is a question that generates questions: the Greek gods. They are linked with the constellations, so an external question arises, perhaps their history/origin was brought to Earth as something much bigger: the Universe.

Guido Vermeulen-Perdaen / 123rf

In the same way, the African peoples were visited by the Sirians, while the Mayans, as well as other indigenous peoples, contacted the Pleiadians. One of the planets of the Pleiades is called Maia. The contacts of all these peoples with extraterrestrials gave rise to different gods, however this is not necessary on Earth, we are all gods. Jesus had already said, if everyone believes in himself, he will soon achieve this.

When we incarnate here on Earth, every being receives a mission, with it accompanied by a gift. You have something that you are an expert in the field, you are distinguished in that, then you become a god, here in the Earth's interior. Remember: we are ordinary in superficiality, yet extraordinary in naturalness, or rather, in our essence. No one is better than anyone else, but synonymous beings, who are unique. Your friends, family members are skilled in what they do, that's why they are gods for you, with admiration, you have love, it is not necessary to create fantasies of distant gods, if there are already differentiated beings around you. The Romans worshiped planets as gods, but mistreated their fellow men here, don't follow hypocrisy!

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Sometimes we forget that the closest are the true gods, possibly because of the density of the Earth our divine essence is erased. There is a habit of admiring the untouchable, the impossible, the not visible, but you actually distance yourself from your close brother, your family, your friends, your wife, your husband, venerate them, because they are beings unique, and their mission is also to be close to you and receive one thing: your love.

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