Yin and Yang as Primal Forces

    Eastern wisdom can bring us understanding of many situations we go through. The imbalance of our “yin” and “yang”, a concept brought by one of the oldest books in the world, the I-Ching, is what originates many of the conflicts we go through today. The lack of understanding of ourselves triggers the lack of understanding of others.

    Our feminine has been tarnished over the centuries, smothered by the egoic culture of the masculine, also bruised in its feminine expression.

    Thus, we witness a total imbalance in our expression of feminine and masculine energy.

    Both masculine and feminine polarity are necessary for universal balance, governing our relationships, our interactions with the world and with society.

    When we talk about feminine and masculine strength, it is not about sexual orientation, but about energies that guide our attitude towards life. There are phases of life when we are more “yin” or more “yang”.

    Nothing in the world is just “yin” or “yang”, just as it is not new that we live in a dual world, in which there is day and night, and so are we, human beings, needing to integrate both polarities within us (both feminine and masculine) to establish our connection with our true selves and understand our system of functioning to better enjoy our development here on this Planet.

    You must have noticed that there are women in which the masculine side stands out more than the feminine, as well as there are men whose sensitivity is manifested more, thus giving rise to prejudices, labels and judgments. It even happens that many adopt certain postures or use masks as a defense mechanism for what they consider to be weakness - or even out of fear of judgment.

    Yin and Yang as Primal Forces
    Tim Marshall / Unsplash

    The feminine polarity concerns our more emotional side, creative thinking, reflection before acting, calm, the stillness of night after day, of greater predisposition to: listen, meditate and connect with spirituality (without connection with religion - it is worth noting, since many still confuse), finally, of the subtleties that sensitivity brings us.

    Our masculine side already brings us more expansion movement, robustness, vigor to execute the creative ideas of the feminine, greater predisposition to speak.

    As for giving and receiving, the tendency of the feminine force is to receive more, to have greater receptivity. This explains why people who are more connected to the feminine can more easily surrender to self-knowledge.

    There are people, mostly men, who tend to identify more easily with the mind, and our mind can be treacherous, as it has a habit of resorting to information only in order to preserve the ego, which is responsible for attitudes that are too reactive, to cover up fears and complexes. Silencing the mind is more difficult in the face of the dulling of our connection with our FEELING. We need to empty ourselves and go to the “nothing box” every now and then, moving into our stillness.

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    Over the centuries there has been a hypertrophy of intuition by rationalization, and what was natural to us since ancient times became strange to many.

    We can reflect a lot and lack the will, the action, hence our attitudes hover more in the world of ideas.

    On the other hand, we may lack reflection and calm to take actions with more lucidity.

    Both reflection and action are necessary.

    Both forces, both male and female, support each other, both strengthen and we must seek in our process of self-knowledge how to coordinate them in the best way.

    Achieving conscious balance is when we are able to understand how these forces act on us, on which issues we can improve, so that both work together and we know how to lead our lives in a more conscious and balanced way, after all, we have an impact on everything that happens in the world we inhabit.

    Yin and Yang as Primal Forces
    Tim Marshall / Unsplash

    It is dreaming and, despite this, preserving lucidity and coherence.

    It's thinking, reflecting and being calm to know how to act when necessary.

    It's being firm without losing lightness.

    It is to be aware that sensitivity is not weakness, but something divine that can still be developed.

    It's knowing how to fly without, however, taking your feet off the ground.

    It is to balance emotions with sensitivity, even with what the mind insists on telling us to destabilize us, driven by impulse to unconscious attitudes.

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