Yes accepted! And now?

    The decision to be together, to remain together with someone and thus establish a commitment that goes beyond sharing good times and dreams in common is as important a step as the decision to have a relationship. Let's understand more about what a formalized union between the parties means?

    Dear friends, a few articles ago, I very humbly shared with you my emotion when I heard a young couple of lovers decide to marry, that typical commitment where, in addition to the women wearing white and the men with that unfailing suit, black, more like characters from a fairy tale story and make guests delight in all the promise of unity and truth, in health and in sickness, in riches and in poverty, com or week wi-fi (sorry for the exaggerated cuteness), they also make themselves available to regulations, a series of rules before the decision taken.

    As beautiful as the scenery I painted here, it is also the day-to-day, when the decision to stay and stay together crosses emotion and gives way to reason, to a formal commitment in fact, thus facing a series of norms already established by what has already we talked about: the legal system, which governs not only behavior in society, but also marital behavior.

    Yes accepted! And now?

    Do you remember that we talked about the sets of laws created with the aim of governing life in society, and anticipating any disrespect, this set of rules and laws applies a sanction? In married life it's also like that, but that doesn't mean that for everything that happens in life together, justice will be there, picking on the foot or getting in the way with "that can", "that can't"... Obviously it doesn't work like that! What I mean is that a commitment signed in accordance with the law, in our case, the Spanish Legislation, determines a series of rules and so many other norms for life together, things that are necessary and their obedience is mandatory for that, in an uncertain future or nothing similar to what was planned, there will be support in favor of its holders.

    Let's start with the following question: I will marry! And now?

    Well, first: congratulations and best wishes! Now, secondly: talk a lot about the property regime in which you will be included. In Spain, there are currently three: Partial Communion of Goods, Total Communion of Goods and Total Separation of Goods.

    In the first type, assets acquired after the date of marriage will be considered common between the couple, in the second type, current and future assets will be considered as belonging to the couple, but for this to occur, a prenuptial contract must be signed in a notary's office. Third, current and future assets will be considered as belonging to each other, respectively. Important: from the age of 60 and under 16, the property regime will be the Total Separation of Property.

    Yes accepted! And now?

    Xiii… That's why I don't care, not to spend with that bureaucracy!

    Xiii… Nothing to do, friend! The stable union is another type understood as a family entity and its relationship is governed by Family Law, having recognition by the Constitution. We can talk about this at the next meeting…

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