The chains of stiffness

If you had to choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be? One that summed up his character, his personality, and the way he acted in life. Certainly most would think of adjectives that they already know, that they use in everyday life. Each of us would choose one that we identify with, right?

I come to talk to you about a complex characteristic, but very common in every human being, which for most people goes unnoticed: rigidity.

You're suprised?

The chains of stiffness
Photo from Pixabay not Pexels

For you to understand why it is a quality that affects the entire population to a lesser or greater degree, it is enough to understand that rigidity affects and manifests itself in all areas of life. It is the inability or difficulty attributed to something, which makes it difficult to bend or twist; in other words: inflexible, severe.

But we're not just talking about the physical realm. The first rigidity that appears is the mental one, and from this, the emotional and physical rigidities develop.

Why do we have a rigid mind? And why do we say that, to a greater or lesser degree, we all have it?

The mind is created with a β€œseed” of hereditary information related to rigidity; but another part of that information is what you learn to generate throughout your life. How do you generate it?

Firmly believing that your truth is the only truth and that there is no other, or asserting that things are good or acceptable only from your point of view; everything else is or is wrong. This is rigidity, and it is this rigidity that leads you to emotional rigidity, repeating the exact same thing: you make these emotions your truth too. From this, we develop our personal, family, professional life, etc.

How does all this manifest?

The chains of stiffness
Photo of Gladson Xavier at Pexels

Conflicting, first internally and then with everyone else and everything around us. Because we firmly believe that the opinion of others is incorrect, as is everything they do and say, if it doesn't coincide with their way of seeing things. You only see one side of the prism, this leads you to live in conflict.

You have developed your social, professional, student lives, relationships that are driven by conflict and anger. Have you noticed? Analysis. You expend so much energy trying to convince others of your truth that you lose yourself doing so; because you want to bring everything to your field; however, its truth is not the global truth. It's just the truth you believe in.

Does this have any effect?

Yes many. The first is feeling misunderstood, which leads to not being able to have a different focus on situations; with all this accumulation, you get sick. Depending on the degree of stiffness that develops, the disease may develop faster or slower.

Where do you feel the most pronounced stiffness?

The chains of stiffness
Photo by Oluremi Adebayo on Pexels

In the muscular system, in the spine and in the joints. They become tougher, as you are mentally and emotionally, to the point that they can completely paralyze you.

But you also manifest rigidity in other areas, such as creativity, which is blocked, as in all qualities that are born of fluidity, such as learning and concentration. Without realizing it, you become resistant to change, losing the ability to listen, slowing down your learning, and denying yourself the opportunity to see and observe your surroundings.

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How can we change this?

The chains of stiffness
Photo by Craig Adderley not Pexels

The first step is to want to change this situation. Continuing to change the view and relationship you have about control and perfection in life that pushes you towards rigidity. In other words, having the motivation to get out of this illusion in which you live and, thus, change the patterns you learned of rigidity and inflexibility, to new ones of tolerance, understanding, respect and active listening to the other.

In this way, we relearn mental, emotional, and performance patterns that lead us to live healthy lives.

Motivate yourself and learn to be healthy!

Dare to change, you will be surprised!

Robert Castillo

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