Yellow September: what it is, how it came about and the meaning of the campaign

Yellow September: what it is, how it came about and the meaning of the campaign

It is common to hear that suicide rates around the world are quite high and there are always discussions looking for ways to reduce this percentage. That's why there are campaigns aimed at warning about suicide. Do you know what Yellow September is? It is a campaign dedicated to raising awareness of suicide prevention.

Although this is a sensitive topic, it is important to establish a conversation with the population to reduce suicide. Only in Spain, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), every 45 minutes there is an attempt to take a life.

Therefore, in this article, we will understand how this campaign came about, what its objectives are and why it is so important.

How did Yellow September come about?

There is a story behind Yellow September. The color yellow was chosen in honor of Mike Emme, an American teenager who, at age 17, decided to commit suicide.

Mike spent a lot of time restoring Mustang cars and was known for his mechanical skill but also helping others. One of his restorations was an old 1968 Ford Mustang that was abandoned. Mike bought it, fixed it and painted it bright yellow.

After his funeral, Mike's parents and friends started a campaign using over 500 bright yellow ribbons with the message "please don't do this, please talk to someone" along with helpline phone numbers.

Thus, yellow became a symbol when teenagers, friends and Mike's acquaintances began tying yellow ribbons in their hair and hats. So this is the origin of Yellow September.

In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted September 10 as World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD). In Spain, in 2015, the Yellow September campaign was created, in a joint effort between the Centro de Valorização da Vida (CVV), the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Associação Españaeira de Psiquiatria (ABP). That is why, throughout the month, various activities are carried out in the country to warn about suicide.

Yellow September campaign objective

The objective of the campaign is to put on the table the debate on a topic that is still considered taboo today: suicide. We know that suicide is something that should be avoided as much as possible, so it is always very important to be in dialogue with people, even though it is a very delicate subject.

Historically, talking about suicide has always been considered taboo by society. But the data indicate that we need to overcome this obstacle and touch this wound: suicide has become a global public health problem.

In España alone, around 12.000 suicides are recorded each year; and over a million worldwide, which equates to one person every 40 seconds. It is a harsh reality that records more and more cases, becoming the second leading cause of death among young people between 15 and 29 years old, according to the WHO.

suicide prevention

Even mental health is a topic that is being addressed more and more, because, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many Spanish people began to show symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Researchers at the University of SĂŁo Paulo (USP) observed a high prevalence of cognitive deficits and psychiatric disorders in 425 patients who recovered from the moderate and severe forms of Covid-19. The study was published in the journal General Hospital Psychiatry in 2022.

In this sense, suicide is an event that globally affects families, communities and countries. So keep in mind that every life lost represents someone's friend, parent, child, grandparent or partner. With every suicide, many people around suffer the consequences.

Each year, the problem affects more families and communities in different countries. Therefore, despite the taboos that surround it, it is a topic that must be widely discussed, so campaigns are fundamental to deal with this issue.

We also need to be alert to see if someone close is going through a situation of attempted suicide. Among some of the warning signs of suicide or suicidal thoughts are the following:

  • Talking about suicide, for example, with phrases such as: “I'm going to kill myself”, “I wish I were dead” or “I wish I hadn't been born”;
  • Obtain the means to take one's own life, for example: buying a gun or stocking up on medicine;
  • Isolating yourself from society, wanting to be alone;
  • Experiencing mood swings, such as euphoria one day and deep restlessness the next;
  • Worrying about death;
  • Feeling trapped or hopeless because of a situation;
  • Increase the use of drugs or alcohol;
  • Changing the normal routine, including eating and sleeping patterns;
  • Doing risky or self-destructive activities, such as using drugs or driving recklessly;
  • Say goodbye to people as if you'll never see them again;
  • Having personality changes or feeling extremely anxious or agitated, especially when you have any of the warning signs listed above.

What can we do to prevent suicidal behavior?

Anyone is critical in preventing suicide, as we can all make a difference as members of society: children, parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. Every day we can contribute to preventing suicides in our country with the following actions:

  • Raise awareness of the issue of suicide and sensitize others;
  • Know the causes of suicide and the warning signs;
  • Show care and help people who are in difficult situations;
  • Question the stigma associated with suicide and mental health issues, sharing our own experiences.

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In fact, the phenomena of depression and suicide are found in all social spaces, regardless of social or cultural economic class, sex and age. Therefore, one of the ways to fight for suicide prevention is the Yellow September campaign.

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