yellow lens

    A therapist I had once told me that things always seemed to be the way I saw them. β€œIf someone wears yellow glasses, the world will look yellow to him,” he said.

    This changed my way of seeing things a lot, because whenever I felt some kind of discomfort I stopped to observe which lens I was using, if it was a lens of victimization, rejection, fear, and so on.

    When God began to enter my life, I first began to recognize that the way I saw things was totally linked to my way of acting and being in the world. If I looked at things positively, I vibrated positively, but if I mumbled and looked at life negatively, that's how I existed for the world.

    yellow lens

    By refining my faith, I can summarize all theories in one sentence: if I turn my gaze to God, the rest will be added to me. That simple.

    Look at all things and situations remembering that He is there. Whether happy situations or not, challenges or blessings, He is always behind everything that happens to you.

    Put the spiritual lenses in your glasses and everything will make sense!!!


    Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

    Matthew 6:33

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