Consecration of the Womb. Millennial energy cleansing technique

Have you ever heard of belly re-consecration? Also called "unlocking the memories of the uterus", it is an ancient technique in which an energetic cleansing of the memories that are registered in the uterus is carried out.

For people who apply the technique, it is in the womb that the emotional, sexual and biological memories are retained (in all spheres of our life - relationship, motherhood, family and in the relationship with oneself).

Experiences such as the first period, abortions, abuse, ending a relationship, betrayals, affective crises, all of this is registered in the vagina and uterus. These memories accumulate and can cause trauma resulting from hurt, guilt, insecurities and other limitations.

With the re-consecration of the womb, we have the possibility to release these memories, to free ourselves from these traumas and other limiting and repressing beliefs. This helps resolve love and sexual issues, as blockages in these areas can be a reflection of a sick uterus. The technique is also believed to be quite useful in preventing gynecological diseases.

Consecration of the Womb. Millennial energy cleansing technique
Copyright : Shao-Chun Wang

Does my body need this?

Our body gives signals. On any occasion. If we feel fear, the heart beats faster and the air may be short. When liver, kidneys or stomach, for example, are not well, we feel pain, heartburn, difficulty urinating, fever, nausea. These are indications that we should do something to treat these symptoms and also look for ways to treat the problem in the cause. With the uterus it is no different, as it also works as a filter.

Over the years, negative emotions tend to accumulate in the womb and are fed. With each traumatic situation, with each new heartache, these emotions add up, and the effects of this accumulation are the most varied: irregular menstrual cycle, infections such as candidiasis, polycystic ovaries, fibroids and even endometriosis.

It is necessary to release the body from these traumas, because we can only be well with others and for life if we are well with ourselves. If our uterus is fine, menstruation is uneventful, our libido is balanced and there are no hormonal or organic changes or problems with our genital region.

Consecration of the Womb. Millennial energy cleansing technique
Copyright : Paisit Teeraphatsakool

Situations in which re-consecration is indicated

The re-consecration of the womb is strongly indicated in cases of energetic, love and sexual blockages. It is also very useful after relationships have ended, especially when we are unable to let go of the relationship (not least because relapses are often bad for our emotional health). Grudges, resentments and unresolved situations also give rise to the use of the technique. If you have had a miscarriage or if you have any organic problems in the region, you can also try it.

The process itself

The re-consecration of the womb must be done by the woman at least once in her life. It is said that menstruation is the ideal time to carry out the process, as we are already eliminating impurities through menstrual blood, and this elimination can be enhanced by re-consecration.

The entire process is guided by a therapist. The environment needs to be prepared so that a connection with one's emotions can be established. A ritual is performed in which everything conspires for your physiology to react. You can make use of features such as stimulating lights and relaxing music.

Consecration of the Womb. Millennial energy cleansing technique
Copyright: Siam Pukkato

in more detail

Here is an example of how a belly re-consecration session basically works, done in a group. Not necessarily all sessions will be identical.

Generally, the process begins with a presentation between the participants, in which they say their name, what they seek with the re-consecration, to expose their feelings. It's okay if emotions surface.

After that, it is customary to do a guided meditation. Participants are instructed to close their eyes and place their hands on their stomachs to connect with their own selves. In the midst of a ritual of self-discovery and access to the unconscious, they get in touch with their memories, and emotions can surface, in a moment of absolute catharsis.

The next step involves a process of expulsion of memories. In a squatting position, the women take a deep breath, as if they were giving birth. Breathing exercises and vaginal contraction are alternated, always guided by the therapist.

After this step, a list is made of the situations, people and emotions that they want to get rid of (all are represented in the form of knots, made on tapes that each woman receives). A new meditation is done, with the aim of activating the inner child, its past. The idea is to let her express herself freely, welcoming her.

Consecration of the Womb. Millennial energy cleansing technique
Copyright: Siam Pukkato
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Then the woman accesses her elder version. Projecting into the future, one finds the answers to one's own questions. It's time to get back to the here and now, interacting with each other. Hugs are exchanged, and later each one "hears" the other's uterus. After the interactions, physical and verbal, it's time to untie the knots (some may take time to undo, as they relate to the most important issues), consulting our child and our elder.

At the end of the ritual, the uterus is anointed with an oil, which must be passed over the skin, while the thoughts must focus on healing. With the remnants of oil in their hands, some can anoint the uterus of others. The session ends with hugs and a group circle, in which the energies are spread around the environment.

Try this ritual

Even if you don't have any kind of belief or faith in rituals like this, it's worth experiencing the sensation. It can be a relief, because you will be putting your emotions out, you will be in a welcoming environment, where one embraces and heals the pain of the other. It can be an interesting experience, as the exchange with the other helps a lot to make us healthier – physically, mentally and emotionally.

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