words of hope

    words of hope

    Sometimes we are so lost and preoccupied with our problems that the only thing we would like to hear is a few words of comfort and hope.

    If you are going through a challenging time in your life, here are some of those words. Believe me: as painful as your situation may be, it prepares you for better situations. At the very least, your challenging situation prepares you to become a person with a more elaborate background. It is in mistakes and losses that we can understand what not to do and what should be a priority in our lives. It is in the great challenges that we realize that minor worries are absolutely unnecessary.

    Leave resistance aside; accept the challenges and see what can be extracted from them. Is it a lemon? Make lemonade out of it. And if you can't, try to at least make a flavored water. Yes, we can't always transmute our problems to the point of turning them into lemonade, but flavored water, that is perfectly possible.

    Accepting does not mean agreeing with what has happened or is happening. To accept is to stop resisting, it is to understand that situations exist and that it is necessary to be ready for the new. Ready for better things, for the arrival of solutions, for the arrival of more benevolent experiences. Accepting is extracting what the experience has brought and moving on.

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    Trust life, trust yourself and surrender. Let go of worries, regrets and free yourself from fear. Elevate your thoughts and they can elevate your emotions and feelings. In fact, the latter are the true co-creators of our reality, not merely the “force of our thinking”.

    Finally, may your current challenges be steps towards a higher perception of your own life and may this perception help you in your expansion of consciousness, which is capable of bringing you inner peace. Take a deep breath, accept, give thanks, relax, have faith and hope. This is the best recipe for moving forward and overcoming our challenges.

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