Sacred feminine and women's health

In the 21st century, health has increasingly become a broad concept of reconnecting with our body, mind and spirit. In this context, the philosophy of the Sacred Feminine has gained more and more followers around the world. And nothing better than talking about women's health in the month of October, the month of the fight against breast cancer.

But do you know what the Sacred Feminine is? It is a style, a philosophy of life that promotes teachings about our physical and mental aspects. It addresses full awareness of female cycles (e.g. menstruation), the female capacity for childbearing, and a woman's physical and mental strength. Another aspect addressed is female ancestral sociability, that is, when women formed a support network (elders, young people and mothers in ancient societies).

Sacred feminine and women's health
Ezekiel Akinnewu / Pexels

The Sacred Feminine has contributed a lot to rescue the individual and collective consciousness of women, their self-esteem, their self-love, the acceptance of their body and all its complexity. It is the liberation of aesthetic and social standards. This philosophy brings to women an ancestral way of experiencing the feminine, and at the same time so connected with the aspirations of the 21st century generations.

Everyone has the story of an aunt or grandmother who helped raise the younger generations of the family. Or a wedding dress that has been passed down from generation to generation. We all have stories to tell about our ancestors. Stories which, according to the Sacred Feminine, we must honor and respect, because our current existence is the result of these women's decisions.

With them also come sets of beliefs and values ​​passed down from generation to generation. Whether through genetic transmission, or through family and social paradigms. Perhaps you, the reader, do not agree or judge any of your ancestors, but remember that we all do what our knowledge, our conscience and our physical and mental health allow us to do.

Nowadays you can love, assume, resignify or remove limiting beliefs. But the fundamental thing is to take for oneself the potentiality and fullness of the feminine. And here we come to breast cancer. It is up to us women not to be afraid, ashamed, judgmental or difficult to not accept our bodies. The body is our home, taking good care of it is fundamental. And once again the Sacred Feminine brings us awareness of what is positive for the female body. All exams are essential for women's health, as are good hygiene and food practices. Self-examination is fundamental, with conscience, without fear or guilt.

Sacred feminine and women's health
Hanna Postova / Unsplash

Are you taking good care of your body? Do you run in women's circles and can you trust them? We are talking about health, bodily, physical and mental care. And why not spiritual care? We are talking about empathy, valuing the figure of the woman, not objectifying her body, sisterhood, and not competition between women or body shame (such as shame about menstruation, breast size, etc.).

If you have noticed the absence of these concepts in you, it is very likely that there are limiting beliefs about what it is to be a woman and about the exercise of the feminine. Maybe you have the belief that “woman has to obey”, or “woman dresses to look beautiful for the other”, or “period is the worst time of the month” and so many other beliefs that negate the female body and energy.

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  • Sacred Feminine: learn a ritual that aims to honor your body
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As a holistic therapist, I have courses and cycles of self-knowledge for Self-Love. When we love, understand and fully accept our essence, we can realize the full potential of our being. This brings physical, energetic, mental and spiritual health. It brings the exercise of a happy life in relationships and financially prosperous.

If you are interested, I invite you to visit my YouTube channel called Ser Plenitude, where there are free meditations for self-love and soul mate. Also check out my Instagram @ser_plenitude_therapias, where there is a lot of content aimed at women.

Kisses of light!

Magda G. Silva, historian, tarologist and holistic therapist

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