Women at 40: what do they want and what does it mean to reach 40?

Hello, dear ones on duty, let's talk about this fruitful and blessed 'crop', which are the women of 40.

Health is our ally

Women at 40: what do they want and what does it mean to reach 40?

Yup. Beauty and vivacity, the glow of well-groomed skin, silky and impeccable hair are not enough. We know (oh, and how!) that good nights sleep and less stress can have a better effect than pots of face creams and that the blessed diet is medicinally effective for our well-being, so we choose foods that benefit us , that give us more courage, fight signs of weakness and, of course, that we know that they add something positive to us, other than the pounds. Periodic consultations with the doctor and visits to the endocrinologist for hormonal checks are very important, since at this stage fluctuations can affect our emotional and even professional performance. A tip from a well-known doctor: two chestnuts a day, so that the thyroid works regularly.

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our career

This process of staying where we are or following what gives us pleasure is important. Changing the direction of our career after weighing the pros and cons, planning and being prepared for this transition gives us value as a woman and makes us feel more willing to face possible adversities, because we are convinced of our potential. Let's fight, yes! Yep, we can!

Motherhood…yes or no?

Women at 40: what do they want and what does it mean to reach 40?

Very important: for those who have decided not to have children, that's ok... there is no regiment forcing us to obey it and we won't be more or less women if something in this area doesn't happen: remember that it's you who decides about your life and what to do with her? It's okay if you prioritized other areas like career, caring for others or anything else. It's all right!

I have spoken with women in this age group and those who have chosen and committed to motherhood have done so consciously. Among those who do not have children, some are waiting for the right moment and have tried to freeze eggs, for example, which is an alternative; others will try another type of medical aid, which is evolving by leaps and bounds to help women over 40 to become mothers… So that's it! There are also those who complain about the rigid labor system for women, who, when giving birth and taking maternity leave for months, can lose their jobs.

Loves! Loves and more loves! 

Yes, at 40, at 60, at 20… loving is a good investment. At this stage, perhaps we do it more consciously, as we are more experienced and analyze the risks more. In short: if it's not to be good, it's not worth it! We feel confident. There are no more characters, because we definitely understand from past experiences that the mask falls… it does! We are more truthful, we have faced each other when something went wrong and we seek to share, enjoy and be part of a relationship.

Friends, at 40, at 50, at 60 and beyond we continue our journey, each decade opening a new chapter of our stories. The number itself has nothing to do with the experiences, accomplishments and adventure of being who we are! If we've covered 40 years, hey… there's still a long way to go and we'll explore it happily and curiously, enjoying every moment!

Forward always!

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