Why can't I fulfill my dreams?

    See if you recognize these stories: You struggle to get a better salary, greater profitability in your business, a great love, a better career position, working at what you love, but you never seem to achieve your goals.

    You have dreams of having a more abundant, more balanced and harmonious life, you feel that you have a purpose in your heart but you cannot bring it into the world. Every time you take steps towards your dreams, something happens and you are back where you started. Or you still lose motivation along the way, not being so sure about what you really want to achieve and how.

    Do you really believe that you deserve to be happy? The belief of unworthiness can be devastating for some people, simply because they hide there, guiding and determining their behavior in the world, bringing self-sabotage situations that are often not identified as a person's real behavior.

    It goes something like this: you come from a lineage of women who have suffered from romantic relationships. In your unconscious, you need to continue this “hidden heritage”. And she's only interested in men who fit that standard.

    Or in your family nobody can work with what they like. In fact, work has always been, on the one hand, a tiring burden, on the other, a blessing and a reason for gratitude, after all, it is the breadwinner of the family. Then you grow up with all these social representations about work and about making money, and there in your unconscious you think: “Who am I to deserve to work with what I like? Who am I to deserve anything better than my parents, grandparents and a whole generation of people who supported their families through hard work?”

    Why can't I fulfill my dreams?
    cottonbro / Pexels / Canva

    These are some small examples of how our mind works and the beliefs of unworthiness that we share at a family level and that we reproduce without feeling. It is as if there is a movement that we are not aware of and over which we also have no control, which drives events and our feelings on a more hidden level in relation to that.

    The important thing here is to know that many times you can't make your dreams come true, because your unconscious mind is not aligned with the goals you want to accomplish.

    I want to propose you an exercise. Take paper and pen and write down all the dreams you want to fulfill. For each one, reflect and write:

    1 - Why haven't you reached this goal yet?

    2 - Do you know people who have achieved this? In your family, would that be a big break from patterns?

    3 - What stories have you been telling yourself about being able or deserving of achieving this goal? Are these stories real?

    4 - What changes can you make today to get you closer to your dreams?

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    Look at your answers, feel, realize how close you are to your goal. Do you feel comfortable there? If you feel like you still need to work on deeper issues of the family system, release beliefs of undeserving and walk a new path, schedule an assessment session where I customize a therapeutic schedule focused on you.

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