Wild Wild Master, about Wild Wild Country – Part 5/7 – Stories with Osho

    Wild Wild Master, about Wild Wild Country – Part 5/7 – Stories with Osho

    Hi! I got confused in the other video, because I thought I had already commented on that hypnotist issue. Where Gordinho said that the Osho, before going to the United States, he was the hypnotist. I didn't really comment on it. No, he was not the hypnotist! This was a very powerful induction that permeated the entire “documentary”, since none of the content of the documentary was presented. Osho, it was totally empty. It didn't present anything in terms of his big message, his speech.

    Anyway, there it was valid that the people were enchanted by the Osho, as we were in fact by hypnosis. So what did you omit? But before talking about this issue… They translated it to “hypnotist” in Portuguese, but “hypnotist” would be the correct term. They made several translation errors precisely because they didn't know him. As I said, people have a preconceived idea of ​​what a master would be and what terms fit the master.

    So comes the word lovers of Osho and how did they translate? Worshipers! And it's not worshipers, it's someone who really loves another being. It is a lover in the sense of love, someone who loves is not a worshiper, this is not a correct translation!

    Another incorrect translation that happened several times: “my people”, my people. They translated as followers, but it is not that translation. My people means my people, people is people. I am one Sannyasin do Osho, but I don't feel like a follower of him. I'm a seeker of my own guide and that's the big contribution it makes, so that's been omitted too.

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