The Continuum and Love

    According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, space is not three-dimensional and time is not a separate entity. They form a four-dimensional continuum, the "space-time". Time is neither linear nor absolute. All measurements involving space are mere elements to justify phenomena. Both are so fundamental to the conceptual foundations of nature and of ourselves that their modification presupposes a modification of the entire framework we use to describe the whole. The apparent linearity of events depends on the observer. And your beliefs determine the way everything presents itself.

    The evolutionary state of the observer determines the structural behavior patterns of everything in the universe.

    We can feel both love and hate, and all the emotions in between, for the same person, situation, or thing. We see the old dualism dissolving into a whole where we find the divinity within merging with the outside. Everything is made up of the same energy. The I Am Force is, at the same time, black and white, masculine and feminine. It contains both light and its absence. This is a world of apparent opposites that complement each other, not true opposites. Probability waves do not present possibilities of things, but of interconnections of fields that always include the observer in an essential way. We are not separate parts of a whole. We are a Whole manifesting in aspects and purposes of pure love.

    The hologram concept holds that each piece exactly represents the whole and can be used to reconstruct the entire hologram. That's why the holographic view of the universe is the foundation for understanding Mental Alchemy. The deep structure of the brain is essentially holographic. The information absorbed by it is distributed throughout the system, so that each fragment produces the information of the whole. The brain employs a holographic process to absorb a projective domain that transcends time and space.

    The Continuum and Love
    Agsandrew / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    From the holographic structure of reality, each piece of the personal energy field (aura) represents and contains the whole. Each observation creates an effect on the observed model. We are not just part of the model, we are the model. All experiences are interconnected. It is difficult to experience this coherence when our main life experience is dualistic. It is necessary to unlearn to really understand.

    Einstein showed that time is an illusion. Tomorrow is already here at this very moment. But the illusion of time delays tomorrow, creating space between us and the future. The reason we don't live the Paradise that everyone wants is that the illusion of time creates the illusion of something to be conquered. By removing time, we bring the enlightened future into the now.

    And how do we do it?

    Kabbalist Rav Berg explains that the answer lies precisely in the space-time continuum. When we remove the SPACE between people, we remove the TIME that delays our enlightenment. That is all.

    Conflict between people is what creates space between them, feeding the continuous illusion of space and time. All probabilities already exist because we are fields of infinite possibility within other fields continually interacting with each other.

    When the world transmutes the ego of human existence, the illusion of time will fall and paradise will arise in the Eternal Present.

    A Mental Alchemist is an Archetypal Master, is a Magician ready to become a Transformative Agent of the Universe. Above all, he is a Source Lightworker manifesting Perfection wherever he goes. The Seals of knowledge are gradually being opened for our unification with the Source that unites in unconditional love.

    If you still don't understand this, go back and read it all over again.

    The cliché “to whom much is given, much is required”, fits like a glove here. Every therapist is an Agent of Love and has a role that transcends the current evolutionary state. Immerse yourself, study, practice and share this love, which awakens with each step taken in the hero's saga that we all walk through.

    Transcend yourself!

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    This is a text from my book “Quantum Alchemist”, which shares a set of practices that lead each one of us to completeness, in which loving God, the Neighbor and the Self become the same thing. If you are interested in purchasing the collection of the 4 Soma Training books, just click on the button below. They are: Sound Flowers, Archetypal Therapist, Quantum Therapist and Verbounture Therapist.

    Kisses from Light and until the next text.


    Celso Costa | Quantum Therapist
    Developer of Soma Formations
    81 995129265

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