Wild Wild Master, about Wild Wild Country โ€“ Part 1/7 โ€“ Stories with Osho

    Wild Wild Master, about Wild Wild Country โ€“ Part 1/7 โ€“ Stories with Osho
    Nisargan makes several surprising observations about the series.โ€Wild Wild Countryโ€, a Netflix documentary about Osho and his controversial stint in the United States.

    In 2016, I recorded a video called โ€œMedia Manipulation โ€“ Stories with Oshoโ€ and in this video I warned us to be cautious with the media in general, not only in relation to Osho, but with the information that it passes on. And this documentary, the Wild Wild Country,

    it's a masterpiece of manipulation, at least in my opinion. He appears impartial, neutral and does not present a definitive conclusion, he leaves it for us to conclude. But in fact, covertly, it is not impartial and much less neutral. He omits important historical facts and presents untrue situations.

    But the important point is that it reached people who have sympathy for Osho, but from the moment they watched the content, their vision was shaken. For those who know him in depth, this documentary did not make the slightest difference, but people who only know him superficially ended up, in large numbers, trusting the information contained therein. So, for those who think what I'm going to say makes sense, this video serves as a counterpoint to all that.

    When this story happened in the USA, I lived in a commune, it is important to emphasize this word, because I will explain later. In a way, I lived everything that was happening at that moment and I have unique impressions on the subject that are out of the norm. For me, it was all a setup!

    My initial suggestion is that you watch the documentary, if you haven't already, to better understand everything I'm going to say here. It was said that Osho was in a phase of silence and that after some events he returned to speak in mid-1985, a false passage.

    To better understand this and other information, watch this which is the first video of this series that I'm bringing you!

    Watch the other videos in the series. Access:

    Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7
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