What is the purpose of the incarnation of Spirits?

I - Purpose of the Incarnation
132. What is the purpose of the incarnation of Spirits?
God imposes it in order to bring them to perfection... The incarnation has yet another purpose, which is to put the Spirit in a position to face its part in the work of creation. It is in order to carry it out that he takes an apparatus in each world, in harmony with the essential matter of the same, in order to fulfill, from that point of view, the orders of God. And in this way, contributing to the general work, also progress.

What is the purpose of the incarnation of Spirits?
How to participate in the work of creation?

Although schools teach about the importance of each one taking care of the environment and that we are all responsible for the planet's garbage, we still find young people mocking "small" attitudes in favor of nature, or rather, ourselves because we are nature and we are implicit in everything that exists.

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Are we naive to believe that we will solve the problem of litter on the beaches or on the streets? Are we creators of some new idea? Do we think we will save the planet? Do we think we are being charitable?

Not. Absolutely. But we made a deal with Mother Nature many years ago that we would, within our simple means, remove all the garbage that weighed on her, including the light ones, the lids, the toothpicks, the plastic cups... as long as we lived here, dependent on the your generosity. I know our interdependence and I do nothing but my obligation to take care of what I can already in my Father's house.

I no longer need someone or some institution to cover me with my obligations as a human being who wants to live in harmony with all beings in the Universe.

What is the purpose of the incarnation of Spirits?

I only know of my conscience and my behavior as an example, which must be ethical, to those who observe me, and I am my biggest observer. Despite knowing that we are already in 2020, in which rights have already been protected, within the laws, unfortunately these rights and obligations have not yet left the field of ideas for the field of collective actions. Let's wait for the new generations, remembering that we are still in 2020, and we will still have a lot to learn from the result of our attitudes. However, we know that the sooner we look at ourselves as brothers in nature and that we are all students and teachers within the Universe of God, this will allow us to decrease pain and increase love, consequently bringing us peace and harmony. It is urgent, therefore, that we value the time we spend together more, with maturity and with a view to the future, thus seeking to walk towards God, participating every day, with the simple gestures of our good will for the progress of all of us.

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