Wiccan Autumn Equinox

The world is full of cultures and beliefs. All human beings have their uniqueness, but they also experience the plurality that life offers. Within all this plurality that is living, some events in the Universe are seen and experienced in different ways by each people – even if they are the same everywhere. The Autumn Equinox, for example, is a passage of the Sun that carries different meanings within some beliefs. Today we will talk about the Wiccan Autumnal Equinox, and we will tell you everything that permeates this celebration within this religion! But first, understand what an autumnal equinox is!

Autumn Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox is a great phenomenon in astronomy. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. It is worth noting that this equinox – also known as the β€œPound Libra” – is opposite to the Spring Equinox, because in each hemisphere of the Earth the seasons are opposite. Let's explain it more simply: while the Northern Hemisphere passes through the Autumnal Equinox, the Southern Hemisphere passes through the Spring Equinox.

Wiccan Autumn Equinox
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This phenomenon occurs in the Southern Hemisphere in March and in the Northern Hemisphere in September. When it occurs, the sun's rays are more incident in the regions closest to the equator; therefore, day and night are practically the same length of time on that day.

What does this phenomenon do to humans?

The Autumnal Equinox is basically an announcement that the days will be shorter and the nights will be longer. Temperature and sunlight decrease, so it is very likely that we feel less energy and more laziness. For nature, this phenomenon means the beginning of a rest phase, as the leaves fall from the trees, several animals look for food and others hibernate: because the cold is coming and it is necessary to prepare for the lower temperatures.

For us humans, the Autumnal Equinox promotes a more introspective period. The vibrant phase of summer is behind us and the time has come to retire a little. Like trees that lose their leaves, we are inclined to get rid of everything that no longer suits us. It's as if we need to find a space within our lives so that we can bloom with the arrival of spring. In addition, the balance between days and nights allows us to organize our priorities.

Wiccan Autumn Equinox
Anya / Pixabay

Now that you know what an Autumnal Equinox is and understand a little more about the energy it carries, check out what a Wiccan Autumnal Equinox is!

Wiccan Autumn Equinox

For adherents of the Wiccan religion, the Autumn Equinox is called "Mabon", a name that comes from one of the Celtic gods, Angus, known as the "god of love". Witches regard this phenomenon as a sacred day: on it everyone rests, celebrates and thanks the gods for all that has been hunted and gathered. This is the great Thanksgiving Day for the heathen, and the nights are as long as the days. At dusk, as the shadows rise and grow, most Pagans see the darker faces of the goddess and god. For many witches, the Wiccan Autumnal Equinox is a rite that honors the coming of winter as well as old age.

The Mabon Sabbat (Sabbat is the name given to the gathering of people who practice witchcraft or other similar rites) is one of the festivals of the Wheel of the Year. The Wheel of the Year is a calendar that symbolizes the understanding of time of the Celts and the Pagans, very different from the current conception. These meetings called Sabbats take place eight times a year, based on the equinoxes and solstices – that is, the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun. In the rites of the Wiccan Autumn Equinox, two deities are honored: the Mother Goddess, who is the symbol of the Earth, and the God The Deer, who is regarded as the protector of herds, wildlife and animals.

Wiccan Autumn Equinox
Jimmy Lau / Pixabay

Mabon is the second Sabbat of the three Sabbats related to harvest. During the Wiccan Autumnal Equinox, witches believe that the goddess is immersed in the energy of the Sun, which is lessened each day by the transition to the country of summer. The more the energy's power diminishes, the more the goddess mourns her departure, but at the same time she knows that all the god's energy will return to Earth, this time titled Yule. Thus, the goddess and the god gain honor through various offerings during this second Sabbat, which, for witches and pagans, is a time of thanksgiving for the harvests and lessons learned. It is also an extremely positive time to honor all Earth spirits and ancestors.

  • Discover the Mythologies Behind the Autumnal Equinox
  • Understand what is autumn and spring equinox
  • Meet Mabon, the Celtic celebration of the autumnal equinox
  • Everything you need to know about the Wiccan religion

The Autumnal Equinox Wicca promotes a phase of thanksgiving, in which witches turn to the goddess, who is also the mistress of abundance; she will provide for everyone during the dark winter months. In addition, they also reflect on each other's balance between darkness and light, striving to maintain a personal balance; they also perform rites in which they ask for protection for the people they love and for prosperity for the next equinox.

Within the Wiccan traditions regarding this phenomenon, they have a celebration with great abundance in their homes, gathering family and friends, and also celebrate the Sabbat by taking care of their homes, repairing damaged objects, replenishing and reorganizing stocks and leaving all environments cleaner.

Elements present in the celebrations of the Wicca Autumnal Equinox

– Myrrh, sage, benzoin and passion flower incense.
– Brown, orange, green and yellow candles.
– Stones considered sacred, such as sapphire, yellow agate and carnelian.
– Herbs for use in rituals, such as ferns, myrrh, oak leaves, pine, roses, among others.

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