Summer – Beauty, Meaning and the Power of the Fire Element

    Help us always to be hopeful gardeners of the spirit, who know that without darkness nothing is reborn, just as without light nothing flourishes.” – May Sarton.

    Then summer has arrived...

    Nature reaches all its fullness and exuberance.

    The days are longer, an invitation to extroversion, meetings, sunbathing and water.

    Summer – Beauty, Meaning and the Power of the Fire Element

    At this time, I feel a vibrant energy, I love the heat and the high temperature, the vibration of the fire element attracts me.

    The heat of the sun, through the fire element, invokes the masculine force, vital energy, transmutation, fullness, the force of realization associated with the qualities of the earth element, welcoming, nourishing, giving and fertile, offering a special glow to the solstice of summer.

    When man learned to produce and use fire, the first revolution took place.
    The heat of the sun and fire began to nourish ancestral civilizations, from a material and spiritual point of view.

    Rituals, celebrations, offerings, myths, stories, poetry, music, paintings, sculptures, dances, divinations, forms of human expression were created and inspired by the fire element.

    There is fire in each of us, located in our vibrational core, in the center of the body, above the navel, the solar plexus chakra, representing the energy of "I do!".

    Ancestral people used, their descendants continue to use, the connection with the inner fire, or inner sun, to heal themselves and others, by expanding consciousness, preparing rituals and food.

    The sacred fire is the symbol of our passion for life, need to love and be loved, need for companionship, for human warmth, physical strength, compassion for people, creativity and spontaneity.

    Summer – Beauty, Meaning and the Power of the Fire Element

    Physical passion comes from the inner fire of Mother Earth, fills our bodies with disposition, allowing the expression of our sexuality and illuminating our creativity.

    By channeling Mother Earth's love up through our feet, into the solar plexus, to meet the warmth of the sun within, we create a divine union between the feminine and the masculine.

    When we lose the connection with Mother Earth, the union of the two fires, feminine and masculine, does not happen, the vital energy decreases and the body becomes sick.

    Healing takes place through Mother Earth fire reconnection with the fire inside, we feel stronger and full of energy to fulfill our life purpose and relate harmoniously with people.

    We return to our axis, to the integral being that we are, from this we can truly love, both ourselves and others.

    So, the passion for life is the fuel that feeds our inner fire, it comes from the recognition that every action of physical life is a blessing that the divine offers us.

    Feeding the passion for life is assuming all the positive energies that are inside us, wanting to feel pleasure and joy, recognizing that we are deserving.

    Summer – Beauty, Meaning and the Power of the Fire Element

    All acts of life are sacred when treated respectfully! Old fears are dispelled, wounds are healed and we are ready to live fuller lives and more loving relationships.

    The summer solstice, therefore, is more than vacations, holiday parties, new clothes, the beach and travel. It is the presence of solar power and light celebrating the end and beginning of a cycle!

    An invitation from the cycle of nature and life so that we can reconnect to our ancestral essence, feel the forces of the fire element and create a happier reality!

    Tips for practicing in the summer period:

    • Reflect on your personal challenges caused by the low predominance of the fire element: lack of motivation, courage, vital or creative energy;
    • Excess that leads to combustion: irritation, stress, aggression, anger, violence, misuse of sexual energy;
    • Take breaths: breathing in healing and breathing out what you no longer want;
    • Visualize positive images with fire: candle flames, sun, sunflower field;
    • Envision the golden light of the sacred fire spreading across the land;
    • Pay attention to the consumption of very cold foods: they reduce the digestive fire for people with Vata dosha;
    • Enjoy the contact with nature, the heat of the sun, the freshness of the water and the lightness of the air;
    • Meditate walking, when possible, without shoes;
    • Take care of your skin and food, always honoring your body.

    Remember: everything you do is sacred, depending on your intention.

    I wish you beautiful experiences for the summer!

    Loving embrace!

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