Why should you sanitize your cell phone often?

If the pandemic brought us the habit of washing our hands whenever possible, why don't we get used to cleaning our cell phone, which spends all day in our dirty hands, accumulating all possible types of microorganisms and dirt?

To make you understand the importance of sanitizing your cell phone and, of course, teach you how to do it, we prepared this article. So good reading and prepare your isopropyl alcohol to clean your device well. Check out!

Why should we sanitize the cell phone often?

Stop and think about another object that spends all day in your hand, being carried around on public transport, in the bathroom, in your pockets, in bags and in so many other environments that are not always hygienic or sanitized.

Why should you sanitize your cell phone often?
rattanakun / Canva

So comes the need to sanitize your cell phone often. According to research published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2020, a cell phone, at the end of a day, can contain 30 times more microorganisms than a clean toilet. Scary, isn't it?

And this hygiene becomes even more important in times when a disease like Covid-19, passed through droplets of saliva, among other means, is on the loose around the world. Because we put our hands in so many places and then on the cell phone…

Now that you understand why it is important to sanitize your cell phone, let's understand how to do it.

What are the hygiene care during periods of pandemic and other diseases?

If we always need to sanitize our hands in times of a pandemic of the new coronavirus, it is natural that we have to sanitize an object that is in contact with our hands all the time, isn't it? That's why the cell phone always needs to be sanitized.

β€œYour cell phone is a very dirty thing and it is so normal for individuals to use it in the bathroom, but how often is the device washed?”, asks researcher and USP professor Luli Radfahrer. According to him, since any surface has become dangerous during the pandemic, our cell phone (where we touch after touching other places) can be a viral bomb – and germs in general.

In short, during the pandemic, the ideal is to sanitize your cell phone at least once a day if you don't leave the house β€” and every time you return from the street, as soon as you get home, which reduces the risk of infections.

What can cause the lack of hygiene of cell phones?

Illnesses of all kinds. Thus, to cite a closer example, the new coronavirus is spread by droplets of saliva. Imagine you are on a bus and two people are talking without a mask near you. This is enough for such droplets to stay on the cell phone screen just waiting for your finger to approach.

Why should you sanitize your cell phone often?
Pexels CDC / Canva

Many other diseases, infections and irritations can happen because of poor cell phone hygiene, as we often put our hands on our eyes, nose, mouth and other exposed parts right after using our cell phone, which can be infected or contaminated. .

How to clean cell phones?

Cleaning your cell phone is very simple and can be done in a practical and fast way. Check out how to properly sanitize your cell phone, following the step by step:

  • 1 – Turn off the device and also remove it from the socket, to avoid short-circuit-type failures or involuntary screen touches.
  • 2 – Remove covers and other protections, as well as cables and headphones (all these must be sanitized separately.
  • 3 – ALWAYS use a microfiber cloth, which is soft, does not release lint and is the most suitable for cleaning screens, whether cell phones, televisions, etc.
  • 4 – The ideal is to use isopropyl alcohol, which is correct for cleaning electronic equipment.
  • 5 – Then apply some alcohol isopropyl on the surface of the cloth and rub, gently the screen, sides and back of the device to clean the phone.
  • 6 – Don’t use force, because it will not eliminate more germs, and there is a risk of damaging the device.
  • 7 – After finishing, also wash your hands and then go back to using your cell phone normally. It is essential that you also sanitize the microfiber cloth, so that it is ready to use next time.

Anyway, in times of a pandemic, redouble your attention and do this hygiene on your phone whenever you return home with it.

What are the most suitable products for this cleaning?

Isopropyl alcohol was developed precisely for the cleaning of electronics, as it is safer in this type of cleaning and does not put the devices at risk. Do not replace this type of alcohol with water or another product, as we will explain below.

Why should you sanitize your cell phone often?
Nelson Arcando from Getty Images/Canva

To apply alcohol, prefer microfiber cloths, which are light and do not release hairs and lines, so cleaning is done in an easier and more practical way.

What is not recommended in cell phone cleaning?

Some precautions on how to sanitize your cell phone should be taken when cleaning your device. Check out some of them:

  • 1 – Don’t keep sanitizing non-stop: a few minutes are enough for the device to be completely clean.
  • 2 – Let it dry: avoid finishing cleaning and then returning to normal use.
  • 3 – Do not apply too much force: screens and other components can be quite fragile, so avoid imposing force and let your chosen cleaning product do its work.
  • 4 - Never do any type of hygiene with the device connected to the socket! If possible, even turn off your cell phone.
  • 5 - Avoid "dipping" the device in alcohol. Always spread with the microfiber cloth, even if the cell phone is waterproof.
  • 6 – Do not use alcohol with a concentration of less than 70%, because the lower the percentage, the more presence of water in it, and water is a great enemy for the cell phone, as it oxidizes and damages the components.
  • 7 – Do not use bleaching products.

Is it necessary to take some precautions when cleaning cell phones?

Yea! As already mentioned, never do the hygiene with the device connected to the socket. If possible, even try to turn it off.

Also, don't forget to wash the microfiber cloth between cleanings so that germs aren't carried around.

Finally, try to wear gloves to avoid contact with dirt as well, and at the end, sanitize your hands and arms, at least.

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What's up? Can we convince you of the importance of cell phone hygiene, especially in times of a pandemic? So whenever you get home, follow our instructions and sanitize your device. And it doesn't hurt to reinforce: even if you don't leave the house, you need to clean the device, the case and the accessories. And don't forget to wash your hands after the whole process!

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