Why not take a self-exam in your language today?

The year 2017 has already started and many people take advantage of the beginning of a new year to do a complete check up and see how their health is going, in addition to adjusting some β€œscrews” here or there, if necessary.

Doctors order several tests: blood, heart, kidneys and lungs, among others. But what about your language? When was the last time she was examined? When we are children, pediatricians are used to examining this powerful and important muscle in the human body at every visit. However, after we become adults, not all doctors maintain this habit.

However, what many people do not know is that the language can be an important reflector of our organism as a whole. Of course, she doesn't have the power to tell us everything, with all the details, but she is an infallible indicator to at least find out if there is something wrong with our body.

Why not take a self-exam in your language today?Much more than that, language is so important to our functioning that, by itself, it would always deserve to be examined. Have you ever stopped to think that your tongue is largely responsible for you being able to speak, eat and also for your ability to process and digest food, even feeling the taste of each of them? Without the language, we would lose many skills!

Anyway, it's really important to examine it to get some idea of ​​what happens in the rest of our body. Anemia, for example, can be diagnosed by examination of the tongue, as well as gastrointestinal, stomach, kidney and liver problems, as well as cancers of the mouth.

And of course, any disease will only be diagnosed by medical and dental professionals, but it is very important that you carry out self-examinations in your language and that you have the ability to recognize the first signs of disease.

Self exam

Open your mouth wide in front of a very clean mirror - try not to breathe too close to the mirror so you don't blur your vision. Look at how your tongue looks. It should have, by default, a pink color and a homogeneous texture.

If your tongue is very yellow or very red, this is a sign that you should see a doctor. The same goes for white secretions or any other type of mucus that you find strange – that is, any other than your saliva.

White spots and plaques should be reported to the orthodontist, the general practitioner or your trusted physician, who may request more detailed and accurate examinations about your situation.  

care and hygiene

The tongue is very important for the functioning of the organism – in fact, the whole mouth is. So it's wise to take good care of it. The recommendation is to brush your teeth always after meals (including after drinking liquids other than water). But don't stop your oral hygiene just brushing your teeth! Flossing, brushing the tongue and rinsing and gargling with appropriate mouthwash liquids is also necessary.

Don't hesitate to seek help

Self-examination and tongue preservation (performed with oral hygiene) should always be performed. But at the first sign of abnormalities, don't hesitate to contact your doctor. Remember that only he will be able to diagnose precisely what you have. Your body is your most precious asset, so take care of it!

Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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