Why do your thoughts matter to your life purpose?

    Thoughts throughout the day we have many, according to research carried out by Queen's University (Canada) there are about 6,2 thoughts a day.

    They can be random or specific, with greater focus when we need to make a decision or when we focus on reflections, operations and social interactions that require our participation, for example.

    But what about our inner thoughts, can they be observed, in order to help, bringing benefits?

    The answer is that, yes, they can be a means of self-observation and bring real benefits.

    Everything we make conscious can bring about perceptions. The same is true of thoughts.

    To understand about thoughts, it is important to highlight what the so-called comfort zone is.

    The comfort zone is understood as situations that do not demand much of our effort, so there are not many conflicts or decisions that require focus and the person finds himself in the tune that is known to him.

    When leaving the comfort zone, the monotony, the idea that, for example, I work just to pay the bills; the world expands. It is outside the comfort zone that the possibilities expand, the work has a connotation of a life mission, the unknown is embraced and the goals are broad and continuous.

    Why do your thoughts matter to your life purpose?
    Victor Freitas / Pexels

    Let's now imagine some thought forms, in sentences, to understand better.

    Faced with an obstacle, which needs to leave the comfort zone, thoughts can be positive or negative, known as functional or dysfunctional, due to the role they can play in our lives.

    In the same scenario, faced with an obstacle, you might think:

    • I will do my best, it will take time and dedication, but it is my goal.
    • I wasn't born to deal with obstacles, I don't have the ability, my age or knowledge doesn't allow it.

    There are two thoughts, one aimed at trying, although without guarantees, but which opens up to his ideal of life; the other, which is based on limiting beliefs, parks their attitudes and possibilities as a result.

    By observing your thoughts, you can identify how you have guided your decision-making, how you have acted in the various scenarios of life, that is, it explains why many things are left aside, even if they are beneficial.

    Why do your thoughts matter to your life purpose?
    Budgeron Bach / Pexels

    When dealing with situations that are part of your goals, notice what thoughts come to you. Are they more positive and expanding or more limiting?

    Another point to observe is your own goals, how you have been conducting yourself in the face of what you want to achieve.

    Putting goals on paper, with dates and divided into sub-goals is to allow visualization and motivation for the desired.

    Goals, when broken down into subgoals, with small gains towards the end goal, are important for staying motivated.

    Very long goals are more difficult to achieve, so think about the current moment and what you want as an objective to establish your goal; gradually increase so you can really get where you want.

    • 5 tips to get out of your comfort zone
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    You know that diet or promise to start the practice of physical exercises that many want? If the thought evaluates the diet or the practice of physical exercise with negative scenarios, the motivation, even if it is great, can disappear. The initial animation arrives, but does not sustain.

    Thoughts of unpleasant aspects such as food deprivation, discouragement in the face of exercises and the like, is already a sign that the thought is focused on non-motivational aspects.

    The beneficial side is to understand yourself, understand how your thoughts direct you and then seek to open yourself up to achievements, possible when you get out of your comfort zone and resignify limiting beliefs.

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