The Traps of Deficiency

    The Traps of Deficiency

    Few things are as dangerous to the full satisfaction of the human being as lack. In fact, lack is a silent and seductive thief that steals from us the possibility of living our best life. Today we will talk about the dangers and in the next video we will talk about the types of lack.

    Lack is the myopia of the heart, which blurs our vision for flaws and only makes the other person's qualities stand out. And even worse, it often makes us see in the other some virtues that never existed. Saying that those who love don't see the flaws is the slogan of the needy person.

    But the worst consequence of lack is to keep us trapped in harmful, harmful and failed relationships, through the illusion that that unhappy condition is the most we can achieve in our lives.

    The lack leads us to build sand castles, believing that they will withstand the most intense storms. Needy, we run into fragile glass bridges that easily and inevitably break and throw us into deep abysses of disappointment.

    Lack has the power to transform wants into needs, so that the needy person embraces anything as the best option for their life. In fact, opting and choosing are not common attitudes for needy people, who end up being tied to other people's choices.

    So, analyze your relationships! Daily you decide to stay with someone, why does the relationship do you good or why does he/she supply your lack?

    And the main question: Can you be happy without anyone? This is the lack test. Because the needy person believes that he can only be happy having another person by his side. While, in fact, you will only be happy with someone when you can be happy with yourself, regardless of whether you are on a Saturday night at a VIP club, or at home watching a movie, or your favorite series, with a bucket of popcorn.

    Remember: happiness can only begin within you and does not depend on anyone else but you. Let's be happy, people!

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