Why did God forget me?

    Many people believe that God may have forgotten about them, and they come to this conclusion by observing other people who are in a better situation, whether in any area: health, financial situation, professional or relationship.

    The belief that God only takes care of certain people is extremely sabotaging because it limits us in such a way that we cannot believe that we have enough power to change our reality. This causes things to always remain bad or even worse.

    And the result of that is that the negative belief about God starts to seem like an absolute truth, so we start to feel like poor things. Then comes that question in our mind: “what did I do wrong to be punished like this?”

    Do you realize how a simple thought involved in negative emotion can be very harmful to our life? The big problem is that most people don't know (or don't believe) that the results we get on the outside start inside us.

    This means that we must pay close attention to everything we think and feel. It is as if thought were a seed and emotion a watering can that waters that seed.

    Why did God forget me?

    And depending on the thought (seed) and emotion (what you are going to water) you can grow a tree of poisonous fruits, or edible fruits. Our reality can become good or bad, and it is our interior that will create that reality.

    If you believe in God (deity or Universe), know that He has given great power to all of us; a power that can transform our reality, but many people misuse this power, use it with negative thoughts and emotions.

    And in this way, a negative reality is created, which further reinforces regrets, anger, discouragement, victimization, sadness and all kinds of bad feelings. When you feel like you're going to unleash a lot of negativity, use Ho'oponopono and ask your “higher self” to cleanse everything that is wrong inside you that is causing this unpleasant reality.

    Also, repeat the four sentences:

    "I'm very sorry"

    "Forgive me"

    "I love you"

    “I am grateful”

    Abandon victimization and stop blaming God for what you are going through. Use your great inner power and change your mental and emotional pattern.

    My previous article is all about Ho'oponopono. If you want to know more about this technique, I suggest you read the article.

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